标题: | 支援实习教师工作与学习之行动系统与其对实习教师知识与信念的影响 A System Supporting Student Teachers’ Job Performance and Learning to Teach and Its Influence on Student Teachers’ Knowledge and Beliefs |
作者: | 陈昭秀 Chen Chao-hsiu 国立交通大学教育研究所 |
公开日期: | 2011 |
摘要: | 支援实习教师工作与学习之行动系统与其对实习教师知识与信念的影响 随着科技的进步,愈来愈多师培教育者及相关研究者投注心力,探讨如何将科技用 于师培教育中,以有效地帮助师培生学习如何当一位称职教师。近年来,由于行动科技 具有无所不在、体积小、价格相对便宜等特性,加上无线网路的普及,愈来愈多研究者 将研究重点放在如何善用行动科技的优点,以寻求新的教学模式及教育应用。其中一些 研究是将行动科技用于辅助师培生修习大学的师培课程,但尚未见到行动科技运用在支 援师培生在实习学校的教学实习的相关研究。 本研究乃为探讨如何运用行动科技,以帮助实习教师在教学实习期间有效地工作与 学习,以成为称职的教师,并且试图了解实习教师如何藉由行动科技的辅助,达到教学 专业成长,而改变其教学的知识与信念。研究主要分为四部分:(1)设计及发展一个以 PDAs 为载具,支援实习教师的工作与学习的系统;(2)针对所发展的系统,进行系统的 形成性评估;(3)在实习教师的实习学校进行长期的系统施行与测试;(4)了解此类行动 科技应用对实习教师知识与信念的影响。 本研究预计为两年的研究计画,第一年的研究重点为建置支援实习教师的行动系 统,将以本研究者所属师培机构的师培生为研究对象,以访谈及问卷的方式收集资料, 进行系统的使用者分析、需求分析及工作分析,并根据分析的结果,设计、发展一套以 PDAs 为载具,用以辅助师培生在实习学校的工作与及学习的系统。针对开发出来的系 统,将以专家评估及小组使用者测试的方式,进行系统的形成性评估及修改。 第二年的研究重点则为招募约十位师培生,在其实习的期间使用本研究开发的系 统,以问卷、访谈、系统记录等方式,收集相关的资料,以了解此系统对实习教师工作 与学习的支援程度,以及研究对象的知识与信念的改变历程,并且比较其与其他未采用 此系统的师培生在知识与信念上的差异。 本研究的结果应能提供教育研究者、决策者及师资教育者、师培生更多关于行动科 技在师培教育上的应用,以及如何导入行动科技以提升实习教师工作与学习的建议。 A system supporting student teachers’ job performance and learning to teach and its influence on student teachers’ knowledge and beliefs With the development of computer and network technology, teacher educators and educational researchers have been making efforts to integrate technology into teacher education to effectively support pre-service teachers’ learning to teach. Recently, owing to the characteristics of mobile technology such as ubiquity, smaller sizes, and comparatively cheaper prices and the widespread of wireless network, more and more researchers explore how to apply mobile computing to supporting new instructional strategies and new educational applications. Among these endeavors, some researchers employed mobile technology to support pre-service teachers’ learning of teacher-education courses. Yet, very few studies are related to the application of mobile technology to support student teaching. This study investigates how to apply mobile technology to assisting student teachers to effectively perform tasks and learn to be competent teachers. Also, this study intends to explore how student teachers achieve professional development and how they change their knowledge and belief with the support provided by mobile technology. Four major tasks of this study are: (1) to design and develop a system using PDAs as the system’s platform to support student teachers’ performance and learning, (2) to conduct the formative evaluation of the developed system, (3) to test the system in placement schools for a semester, and (4) to understand whether and how the system influences student teachers’ knowledge and beliefs. The researcher plans this study to be a two-year project. During the first year, the researcher will recruit student teachers from the teacher-education center the researcher is affiliated with to participate in this study, and data-collection methods such as questionnaires and interviews will be used during the stages of user analysis and needs analysis. According to the analysis results, the research team will start the stages of task analysis, system design, and system development. The formative-evaluation methods will include expert reviews and small-group user tests, and the system will be revised accordingly. During the second year, about ten student teachers will be recruited to participate in the field trials. Employing methods such as questionnaires, interviews, and system logs, data will be collected to understand whether and how the system effectively support student teachers’ job performance and learning to teach and to compare the participants’ knowledge and beliefs with the ones of those student teachers who do not use the system. The results should provide educational researchers, policy decision-makers, teacher educators, pre-service teachers with ideas and suggestions about applications of mobile technology in teacher education and about how to adopt mobile technology to support student teachers’ performance and learning. |
官方说明文件#: | NSC99-2511-S009-007-MY2 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98909 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2208715&docId=352717 |
显示于类别: | Research Plans |