Title: 利用奈米粉體提昇纖維複合材料球拍機械特性之研究
Enhancing the Mechanical Properties of Fiber Composite Racket Using Nanoparticles
Authors: 蔡佳霖
Tsai Jia-Lin
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本研究主要探討添加奈米顆粒及橡膠顆粒,對樹脂複材及纖維複合材料阻尼特性及撓曲
The research aims to modify the damping properties as well as the flexural stiffness of
epoxy-based nanocomposites and fiber reinforced composites using silica nanoparticles
together with rubber particles. Two kinds of rubber particles, one is the reactive liquid rubber
(CTBN) and the other is the core shell rubber (CSR) were employed in this investigation. In
general, the disadvantage of adding rubber particles into polymeric resin is the dramatic
reduction of stiffness although the damping could be improved accordingly. In order to
enhance the damping properties of the fiber composites without sacrificing their stiffness, the
silica nanoparticles in conjunction with the rubber particles were introduced into the epoxy
matrix through the sonication process to form the epoxy-based nanocomposites. Furthermore,
the epoxy based nanocomposites were treated as matrix and impregnated into the fiber layer
through a vacuum hand lay-up process to fabricate the composite laminates. The damping
performances of the nanocomposites as well as the composite laminates were determined from
the forced vibration technique together with the half power method. Meanwhile, the flexural
stiffness of the material systems was evaluated by the resonance frequency obtained from the
vibration tests. Results indicated that either silica nanoparticles or rubber particles can
improve the damping responses of the epoxy-based nanocomposites. However, it was found
that when the rubber particles were present only, the stiffness of the nanocomposites was
dramatically reduced. By introducing the hybrid material systems (10wt% silica
nanoparticles and 10wt% rubber particles), the superior damping properties and flexural
stiffness can be concurrently accomplished. Moreover, if the hybrid material system was
employed as matrix materials in the fiber composites laminates, this enhanced damping
property may also be observed in the vibration tests. The concept as well as the technology
on the hybrid fiber composites will be extended to Vector company for their future
development of next generation badminton racket.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2622-E009-015-CC3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99177
Appears in Collections:Research Plans