標題: 行動廣告說服效果之探討
The Impact of Mobile Advertising on Persuasion
作者: 林慧斐
Lin Hui-Fei
關鍵字: 互動性;行動廣告;多媒體簡訊服務;客製化;純文字簡訊服務;Interaction;Mobile Advertising;MMS;Customization;SMS
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 在數位化時代,行動廣告對消費者的影響力是不容忽視的,本研究目的為探討行動廣告的說服效果,並以AIDA模式(Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)為理論基礎,執行一個2 (SMS vs. MMS) x 2 (互動性vs.無互動性) x 2 (有客製化vs.無客製化)組間實驗。結果顯示:(1)受測者對於所接收到的MMS手機簡訊比起SMS手機簡訊,更能展現出較多的注意力、興趣、渴望、喜愛態度,以及購買意願;(2)手機使用者對互動式廣告比對沒有互動廣告能產生較多的興趣與較佳的廣告態度。
In the digital age, the effect of mobile advertising cannot be ignored. The purpose of the current research is to explore effects of mobile advertisements on persuasion. The theoretical foundations draw on the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) formula. One scenario, room decoration, was created for a two (type of mobile ads: SMS vs. MMS) x two (Interactive feature: with interactivity & without interactivity) x two (customized feature: with customization & without customization) between-subject design. Results showed that 1) mobile phone users exhibited more attention, interest, desire and more favorable attitudes towards the brand and the advertisement, as well as greater intention to purchase the product when exposed to MMS than when exposed to SMS; 2) mobile phone users were more likely to have greater interest and more favorable attitudes for the ad when the message is interactive than when the message is not.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2410-H009-039-SS2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99189