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dc.contributor.authorCHIOU YU-CHIUNen_US
dc.description.abstract傳統號誌控制模式強調路口車流延滯之最小化或者是幹道續進車流速度之最大化。然而,為能達 到永續目標,應改以能源消耗及污染排放減量作為號誌控制模式之績效評估指標。特別是接近環境敏 感地區(如學校、醫院及住宅區)的路口,應將污染濃度標準上限作為號誌控制模式之限制條件之一。 為能有效進行號誌控制模式之最佳化過程,一個中觀車流模式:格位傳遞模式(CTM ; Daganzo, 1994; 1995),能夠有效及精確地模擬不同車流狀態下之車流運作行為。惟CTM 原係針對純車流設計,並未 考量混合車流行為。然在許多亞洲城市中,機車是一項非常普遍且常見的運具。但機車運行行為與汽 車及公車明顯不同,它不必遵循車道線。事實上,機車常與許多車輛同在一車道內,不符傳統跟車理 論,導致許多車流模擬模式無法模擬機車車流行為。 基此,本研究擬以三個研究年度進行下列研究: 1.第一個研究年期:建立及驗證混合車流格位傳遞模式 本研究將考量不同交通組成(汽車及機車)及不同交通狀態下,不同車種進入下一格位時之競 爭行為,建立一個混合車流格位傳遞模式,並透過實地車流資料調查與比較,驗證本模式之準確性。 2.第二個研究年期:建立混合車流污染排放與擴散模式 本研究將以第一個研究年期所建立的混合車流模式為基礎,進一步推估在不同交通組成及狀態 下之能源消耗與污染排放總量。進而,納入污染擴散模式以推估路口不同距離下之污染濃度擴散情 形。 3.第三個研究年期:建立交通感應式號誌控制模式 本研究將進一步建立交通感應式號誌控制模式,能同時最小化能源消耗及污染排放總量,並符 合路側環境敏感地區之污染濃度限制。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTraditional traffic signal control models aim to minimize traffic delay at intersections or maximize travel speed along a corridor. However, in order to achieve sustainability, the performance of traffic signal control models should be evaluated by their capacities in reducing energy consumption and emissions of traffic. Especially, at the intersections near the environmental sensitive areas, such as schools, hospitals, residential areas, a limitation of emission concentration should be considered while optimizing the traffic signal timing plan. To efficiently facilitate the optimization process of traffic signal control models, a mesoscopic traffic simulation model, Cell Transmission Model (CTM), proposed by Daganzo (1994, 1995), has been proven that it can accurately replicate the traffic behaviors under various traffic conditions. The CTM is originally designed for pure traffic simulation. However, motorcycles are prevailing in many Asian cities. Unlike most cars and buses which will move within the lane, motorcycles in practice do not follow the lane disciplines. Motorcycles in effect move in a rather erratic manner without obeying the lane disciplines. Sometimes the motorcycles follow the lead vehicles; but more than often, they share the “same lane” with the moving cars or break into two moving cars in the same lane. Consequently, many traffic simulation models have limited capability in capturing the movement behaviors of motorcycles. Based on this, in the first research year, this study aims to propose and validate a mixed traffic CTM model by incorporating the competition relationship among different vehicle types. In the second research year, this study will further extend the mixed traffic simulation to energy consumption and emissions under various traffic compositions and conditions (freeflow, synchronized and congested). In addition, the diffusion model of emitted pollutions from these moving vehicles will be also developed so as to estimate the emission concentration at an arbitrary distance from the road. In the third year, this study will develop a traffic-responsive signal control model, which can adaptively optimize the signal control mechanism along a corridor to meet the limitation of emission concentration near road-side sensitive areas and to minimize energy consumption and emissions.en_US
dc.subjectMixed trafficen_US
dc.subjectCell transmission modelen_US
dc.subjectGenetic fuzzy logic controlen_US
dc.titleGreen Traffic-Responsive Signal Control Model under Mixed Traffic Conditionsen_US
Appears in Collections:Research Plans