标题: | 以高效能P型半导体电极滤膜反应系统去除水溶液中微量有机物 Development of a High Performance P-Type Membrane System for Trace Organics Removal from Aqueous Solution |
作者: | 黄志彬 Huang Chihpin 国立交通大学环境工程研究所 |
关键字: | 高级电氧化程序;P型半导体电极;掺硼钻石/钛电极;偶氮染料;Electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOP);P-type electrode;BDD/Ti anode;Azo-dye |
公开日期: | 2011 |
摘要: | 高级氧化处理(Advanced oxidation processes, AOPs)已被广泛应用于环境污染物之降解,其中,电化学氧化法因可快速降解有机及无机污染物,于近年渐受各界重视。钻石电极因具有较高之过电子势能(Overpotential)可产氧(Oxygen evolution),并进一步转换成氢氧自由基使污染物完全降解;但钻石电极虽具诸多优点,却往往因成本过高而无法于环境上广泛应用;因此,本研究期以电极基材复合类钻碳、奈米碳管等类钻之材料,并以半导体掺杂(Doping)方式进行P型半导体阳极之开发,如此可大幅降低成本,进而将所开发之P型半导体电极与无机滤膜结合。所制备之P型半导体电极材料及电极滤膜将以SEM、TEM、XRD、UV/Vis Spectrometer及循环伏安法分析其特性,并以偶氮染料(Azo-dye)做为半导体电极薄膜效能评估之典型有机污染物,利用自由基氧化污染物之机制进行偶氮染料脱色及降解,并建立相关资料及半导体电极薄膜反应器系统,以供后续研究与应用之参考。研究内容包含: (1) P型半导体电极材料之开发、(2) P型半导体电极晶型结构及杂质浓度之效能评估、(3) 结合P型半导体材料与无机滤膜之可行性评估、(4)以P型半导体电极薄膜处理污染物之机制及自由基浓度相关性探讨及(5)建立自动化P型半导体电极薄膜系统及系统最佳化之研究,期能将此研究成果提供后续研究之参考,并将此技术应用于高科技废水中微量有机物之处理及纯水之再生程序。 Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been extensively used in the degradation of pollutants. In recent years, several works have been conducted to effectively degrade organic pollutants using electrochemical oxidation processes (EOP). Diamond electrodes produce oxygen which is subsequently converted to OH radicals due to its high over-potential. Thereafter, the pollutants can be oxidized by OH radicals. Although there are many advantages for diamond electrode, the cost is too high to apply in wastewater treatment practices. Therefore, the aim of this study is to coat diamond-like carbon (DLC) and carbon nano-tube (CNT) on the surface of electrodes doped with boron as a P-type semiconductor electrode. The cost-competitiveness could be expected. Furthermore, the novel P-type semiconductor electrode is combined with inorganic membrane to develop a novel P-type membrane. The characteristics of the P-type semiconductor electrode and the P-type membrane will be examined by SEM, TEM, XRD, UV-Vis Spectrometer as well as Cyclic Voltammetry. The electrochemical oxidative effect of the P-type membrane will be evaluated by degradation of an Azo-dye, Acid-yellow 36 (AY-36). The scope of this study includes: (1) synthesis of the P-type semiconductor electrode, (2) effect of crystal phase and impurity concentration in the P-type semiconductor electrode on electrochemical efficiency, (3) feasibility of the P-type membrane, (4) mechanisms of OH radical formed by the P-type membrane and (5) optimization of a pilot-scale P-type membrane reactor automatically. The objective of this study is to develop an applicable P-type membrane reactor system with high efficient removal for the trace organics in the wastewater reclamation and pure water production processes. |
官方说明文件#: | NSC99-2221-E009-042-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99268 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2203645&docId=351331 |
显示于类别: | Research Plans |