標題: 單一整合型計畫-台灣節能減碳真實案例之報導發佈、教育紮根與原住民特殊情境追蹤探討( I )
An Investigation of Media Propagation, Educational Roots, and the Special Circumstances of Indigenous Taiwanese with Regard to Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction
作者: 林照真
Lin Chao Chen
關鍵字: 節能減碳報導;災難傳播;節能減碳教學
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 台灣節能減碳真實案例之報導發佈、教育紮根與原住民特殊情境追踪探討 為落實節能減碳與關注氣候變遷的後續影響,本計畫將從傳播、教育、研究三方面 著手。本計畫將努力提升大學新聞系所學生有關科學報導的能力,同時以偏遠地區小學 生、弱勢原住民為教育與研究對象,企圖全面提升全民有關「能源政策與節能減碳」議 題之認知。 在傳播方面,本計畫有鑑於台灣主流媒體並不關注節能減碳議題,且多為外電翻 譯,對於台灣本地的報導極少。因而本計畫將以不同大學之新聞系所學生為教育對象, 鼓勵同學到台灣各地報導節能減碳案例,以提升未來的新聞記者,有關科學傳播的能 力。本計畫更將透過公開展演與網站製作,在校園中達到更大的傳播效果。 在教育方面,本計畫鑑於國內的教育資源過度集中在都會地區,本計畫為縮短城鄉 差距並照顧弱勢族群,將以偏遠地區小學學生為教育對象。本計畫將邀請志工老師到偏 遠學校推廣『節能減碳』教學內容,並藉由教學設計與舉辦活動等形式,以提升偏遠地 區年輕學子更多有關節能減碳之知識與素養。 本計畫的「研究」部分,將以更為弱勢的原住民為主要對象。由於氣候變遷已引起 全球原住民對於種族生存的危機意識,本計畫關心處於山區的台灣原住民與氣候變遷的 關係。本計畫一方面將釐清台灣原住民在氣候變遷中所面臨的困境;另方面亦將試圖了 解原住民如何因應氣候變遷與節能減碳等問題。
An Investigation of Media Propagation, Educational Roots, and the Special Circumstances of Indigenous Taiwanese with regard to Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction This study will investigate the implementation of energy saving and carbon reduction, and focus on the follow-up effects of climate change from the three aspects of media reporting, education, and research. This study aims to enhance the scientific reporting ability of university journalism students, as well as attempting to comprehensively enhance the cognition of the general population with regards to energy policies, energy saving and carbon reduction, using elementary school students and indigenous people in remote areas as education and research targets. In the aspect of media propagation, we believe that the mainstream media of Taiwan does not place sufficient emphasis on energy saving and carbon reduction. Amajority of news reports on these topics are translated from foreign news agencies, and local reports on these topics are extremely infrequent. Therefore, this study utilizes journalism department students in various universities as education targets, and encourages these students to travel to various localities in Taiwan and report on cases of energy saving and carbon reduction. The objective is to enhance the ability of future journalists to report on scientific issues. This study also uses public performances and websites to disseminate information on these issues to a greater audience on university campuses. In the aspect of education, we believe that domestic educational resources are overly concentrated in urban areas. This study uses elementary school students in remote areas as its education targets, to reduce the urban-rural gap and demonstrate care for disadvantaged groups. This study will recruit volunteer teachers to travel to remote areas to promote education on energy saving and carbon reduction, using instructional design and various activities to enhance the knowledge of young students in remote areas with regard to energy saving and carbon reduction. The main targets of the research section of this study are disadvantaged indigenous people. Because climate change has already awakened the awareness of indigenous peoples worldwide of a threat to their survival, this study focuses on the relationship between indigenous people in mountain areas of Taiwan and climate change. This study aims to clarify the difficulties faced by indigenous peoples of Taiwan with regard to climate change, as well as understand how indigenous people are responding to the problems of climate change, energy saving, and carbon reduction.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-3113-S009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99324