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dc.contributor.authorSUN CHUEN-TSAIen_US
dc.description.abstract當代資訊科技已經快速的滲透到學生的生活之中,各種開放的、免費的資訊擷取與 推薦工具也自然的進入學生的學習過程。然而,這些最常為學習者使用的工具並非以學 習為目標而設計,也未考量學習者和學習歷程的特殊性,因此它們在學習輔助方面利弊 互見:例如它們可能讓解題歷程更為流暢,也可能造成學生在解題上的依賴。無論從學 習者的認知歷程或其所習得的知識結構來看,這些普及資訊工具都展現了非常深遠的影 響,也為數位學習研究帶來了非常豐富的面向。 本計畫將由學習輔助的觀點出發,選擇互有重疊的三大類型工具──搜尋、標籤、 註記為研究重點,在全球資訊網的平台上來做深入探討,並涵蓋文字、圖像、影音等媒 體形式,充分與當代學習者的日常媒體使用現況結合。我們將檢視學生常用工具對學習 歷程帶來的各式影響,進而發展有利於學習的輔助活動或新工具以提升學習效果。同時 我們也將分析工具所可能產生的後設認知輔助效果,以及它們對於反思學習所具有的潛 力。此外,各階段學習者如何以他們不同的先備知識及其結構來和資訊工具互動,動態 構成解題歷程,也將是我們研究的重點,進而提出基於學習動機與目標考量的設計。 綜合上述各研究目標,本計畫將結合心理、教育、資訊等領域的學者,從認知理論、 學習理論、使用分析、工具設計、後設認知等不同面向,以三年時間來探討學習動機、 認知風格、合作模式各異的學習者在解決問題過程中為何及如何使用資訊工具,及其對 學習效果產生的影響。我們將就資訊工具的學習效果提出整合性的評量架構,以及我們 的設計改進建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractContemporary information technology has entered students’ daily life in a swift and pervasive manner. Various open and free-to-use tools for information retrieval or recommendation are thus introduced to learning processes in a natural way. However, most of such frequently employed tools are not designed for learning in particular, the characteristics of both learners and learning processes are not taken into serious account. Therefore, they bring assistances and drawbacks at the same time. For instance, on the one hand they may help students feel smooth in their problem-solving processes, but on the other hand they may result in students’ dependence on such tools and putting less effort in solving problems on their own. From both viewpoints of cognitive/learning processes and knowledge structures as a result of learning, the impacts of such information tools and services are huge and deep, they should be investigated for better understanding and design of digital learning assistance. This joint project will take a learning-assisting angle to study web-based information tools, especially focused on three types of services, search, tagging and annotation, they serve different purposes but sometimes overlap with each other. We will cover varied media forms including text, images, and video so as to reflect the daily-life media usage of contemporary learners. The influences of the tools on learning will be investigated thoroughly before our designing assistant activities and new tools to help learners for better learning. Some information tools already bear the functionality of meta-cognition and should be taken into account so that teachers can make use of such handy tools for triggering students’ reflective learning. Moreover, how individual learners apply their distinguished prior knowledge to interact with information services and social media on web and form their unique problem-solving experiences is another emphasis of this project, based on that we will propose design suggestions for personalized learning tools. This project will form a joint task force of scholars from psychology, education and information technology and cover research dimensions of cognitive theories, learning theories, technology usage analysis, learning system design, and meta-cognition. In this three-year project we will investigate the above issues in a tightly-coupled collaborative way to better understand how contemporary information technology shapes the problem-solving processes in specific and learning in general of learners who have varied motivations, cognitive styles, and cooperative models, and propose a systematic evaluation framework web-based information tools in terms of learning and our design suggestions.en_US
dc.title從Web 2.0到Web 3.0---資訊科技對學習動機、歷程與評量的影響---總計畫zh_TW
dc.titleLearning from Web 2.0 to 3.0---Impacts of Information Technology on Motivation, Process, and Evalutionen_US
Appears in Collections:Research Plans