Title: | 新埔客家文化商圈的網路推廣與社群建構-連結遊憩涉入與地方依附觀點 The GeoWeb2.0 Promotion and Community Strategy of Local Commercial District - A Case Study on Hakka Village Hsin Pu |
Authors: | 林崇偉 Chong-Wey Lin 國立交通大學傳播與科技學系 |
Keywords: | 客家;文化創意;地方商圈;智慧生活;衛星定位技術;遊憩參與;地方依附;Hakka;GeoWeb2.0;Tourism;e-Marketing;GPS;GIS;Recreational Involvement;Place Attachment |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 為回應新百年臺灣客家文化創意產業發展需求,本計畫擬結合文化資產保存、區域發展規劃、文化創意產業、地方商圈規劃以及衛星定位技術,探索結合資訊與傳播科技/資通訊技術(ICT)推廣地方商圈文創產業發展的方式。 本計畫以國立交通大學客家文化學院(位於竹北)鄰近的客家農村聚落新埔鎮作為田野場域,應用衛星定位技術(GPS)、地理資訊系統(GIS)及網路社群平台(GeoWeb2.0),選取新埔深具(客家)文化特色的產業(柿餅、水梨、打鐵)、社區(九芎湖與箭竹窩的農村再造)、商家(板條、湯圓、豆腐、煙腸等)、歷史文化景點活動(義民廟、義民祭、家廟街、枋寮劉家雙堂屋),實地定位,並瞭解在地產業特色和社區議題,深入觀察新埔商圈消費行為模式,進行消費者/商家問卷設計和訪談調查,並針對如何結合資訊與傳播科技/資通訊技術(ICT)發展客家地方文化商圈之市場、產品、價格與通路的定位策略進行討論。 本計畫強調人文與科技的對話,探索未來智慧生活與數位文化發展,對地方商圈和文創產業發展的影響;同時,本計畫也將建置專題網站展現成果,除能促進公眾利用外,更能對新埔地區客家特色農特產與文創產業扮演資訊與傳播科技推手角色,作為日後客家地區提昇觀光休閒遊憩深度和廣度,以及教研實務人才培育的重要參考。 How to revitalize and increase the use of digitalized cultural heritages is now an emerging issue. Applying GPS tracking (device) and online GIS mapping (without device) technologies, the project aims to markup the touring routes of Hsin PU, a traditional Agricultural Hakka village, with digital cameras and consumer-level GPS tracking devices, collect geographical and sport-physiological data, line up point of interests (POIs) with cultural information. The proposed project explores how to increase tourist’s motivation, sense of achievement, after-touring pleasure, most important of all, how to build up a robust internal/external social network with virtual and physical communities by increasing tourist’s recreational involvement and place attachment. Especially for Hakka villages of northern Taiwan (Miao-Li, Hsin-Chu and Tao-Yuan), which devote in developing its tourism industry, the project offers not only a new-perspective ICT solution to activate public attention and participation, but also a chance leading to the prosperity. |
Gov't Doc #: | 100-02-01-03 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99426 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2264539&docId=357745 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |