標題: 性別友善訴訟環境之建構─以性騷擾性侵害被害人保護為中心(GM01)
Constructing a Gender-Friendly Justice System – Focusing on Empowering the Victims (GM01)
作者: 林志潔
Lin Chih-Chieh
關鍵字: 被害人;性侵害;性騷擾;性別平等;性侵害迷思;性別友善;刑事訴訟;證據法;victim;sexual assault;sexual harassment;gender-fridendly;rape myths;criminal procedure;evidence rule
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 性侵害及性騷擾犯罪之被害人性別大多為女性,使得此一類型犯罪事件與「性別」 的問題密不可分。然而受到「父權制度」(patriarchy) 對女性的偏見,以及其所形塑出 「性別角色」定義的影響,導致傳統社會對於性侵害犯罪事件產生了「性侵害迷思」 (rape myth),亦即社會對於性侵害案件被害人的應有形象及行為模式有一個既定的認 知,而這樣的認知同樣顯現在所有刑事訴訟程序參與者的行為中,導致司法訴訟程序對 於性侵害案件犯罪被害人有諸多不平等待遇,造成被害人於訴訟環境中的無力感。 現行法律體系面對社會上性別意識高漲的聲浪,已經開始透過妨礙性自主罪章的修訂、 性侵害犯罪防治法與性騷擾防治法等一波波修法與法規制訂活動,回應人民對建立一個 性別平等社會的期盼,惟其施行成效,仍繫於整體司法環境對性別議題之態度。本研究 從性別的角度出發,期能提出法曹人員的養成教育改革研議,使我國實際在個案中解釋、 適用法律的司法工作人員,能夠徹底擺脫舊有父權體制觀念的桎梏,從性別平等的角度 出發以認事用法。而在保障被害人在訴訟程序中之權利,本研究將對漠視女性觀點之證 據法則、法庭規則及訴訟程序規定提出批判和改革建議,同時反思司法系統應如何建立 和心理師、社工人員、諮商人員等專業人員的合作管道之方法,使遭遇性侵害、性騷擾 之犯罪被害人能在訴訟程序中獲得公權力的充分支援。此外,司法系統應透過與例如結 合法律及其他跨領域的非政府組織團體(NGO)之合作等改革方法,以充分瞭解社會對 於被害人保護之司法改革要求。 本研究的完成,除有助我國司法人員建立性別平等之觀念,使被害人在訴訟程序中獲 得全面的支援與照護、對被害人賦權與培力(empowering)外,並可幫助我國立法者思考未 來修法方向,以建立一對性侵害及性騷擾事件被害人之性別友善訴訟環境,也期待本研 究能對性別研究與法學之整合有所貢獻。
Most of the victims of sexual assault and harassment are women. It makes sexual crimes strongly related to equality. Nevertheless, affected by the bias against women and the definition of gender roles built in patriarchy, our traditional society has “rape myths” in criminal justice system. The system has stereotypes of the images and behaviors toward the crime scenarios. Such stereotypes were shown through the judgments and the performance of legal professionals in the proceedings. As a result, sexual crime victims are treated unequally as victims of other crimes in our criminal justice system. Although the legislature reformed rape statutes in the Taiwanese Criminal Code, and enacted Sexual Crimes Prevention Act, Sexual Harassment Prevention Act and other related laws to respond to the people’s expectation of constructing a gender equity society; however, the result of the reforms cannot be called successful. The procedure laws, the evidence rules, and the attitudes of judges, prosecutors, and defendant’s counsel play important to fail the reform. Through a comparative method and empirical analysis, this research wants to review the current Taiwanese criminal procedural law, evidence rules, and the legal education in universities and training centers to reconstruct a genderunfriendly legal environment. The research also wants to focus on empowering sexual crime victims, by expanding the protection to their rights in procedure and by providing them the necessary medial, psychological, and legal assistances. Finally, this research wants to contribute to the interdisciplinary studies in law and gender study.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2629-H009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99448