Title: 次世代智慧型加護病房照護系統-子計畫一:以使用者中心程序開發次世代智慧型ICU照護系統人機介面( I )
Developing Intelligent Human-Machine Interface for Next Generation Icu by Using User-Centered System Development Approach
Authors: 許尚華
Keywords: 加護病房;資訊需求;人因工程;資訊系統;Intensive Care Unit (ICU);User-centered design (UCD);Information system;User requirements
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 加護病房是多人、多作業、高體能與認知負荷的動態複雜系統。加護病房中的醫護團隊必須照護隨時都會有危險狀況發生的重症病患,持續監控病況的變化,即時偵測緊急狀況,實施緊急應變治療。醫護團隊成員對病患狀況的掌握與共識,會影響成員之間的溝通、協調,以及醫護人員判斷決策的有效與正確性,進而可能會危及病患的安全。而醫護團隊的狀況察覺端賴於醫護人員對於病況資訊的擷取與整合、病況的判別與預測。本計畫意圖發展一智慧型資訊輔助系統以利於醫護團隊的狀況察覺與決策。本計畫採用使用者中心的開發程序,在第一年,首先對現有系統進行分析,由醫護人員與作業、軟、硬體、環境之的互動流程與資訊流動,以確認相關人因議題,而後對不同職務人員進行認知工作分析以確認在作業中的資訊需求與能力限制,以作為資訊系統設計的依據。本計畫第一年的貢獻將促進醫護人員的資訊交流以及提供不同職務的醫護人員在不同作業下所需的資訊,輔助人員進行群體決策,增進醫護人員決策決定的及時性、有效性與正確性,進而提升加護病房醫護人員使用的滿意性。
Team performance is critical to quality of care in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). How to maintain appropriate level of team situation awareness and efficient teamwork plays vital role in human factors issues of ICU studies. One way to enhance teamwork and team situation awareness is to provide an information system that allows early detection of patient’s critical condition and timely intervention. This study aims to develop an information system to enhance both patients’ safety and quality of care in ICU. User-centered design (UCD) approach is adopted as the design framework in this study. In UCD process, user requirements are acquired and refined through a series of analyzing method including ethnography, information flow analysis, task analysis, and cognitive work analysis. This study then proposes several new design concepts of the information system based on user requirement. The contribution of this study provides insight into areas of information system design in medical areas and improves the user’s satisfaction in decision-making of ICU.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2220-E009-053
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99568
Appears in Collections:Research Plans