标题: 一个湿式静电旋风集尘器模组的测试研究
The Pilot-Scale Test of a Wet Electrocyclone
作者: 蔡春进
关键字: 旋风集尘器;湿式静电集尘器;湿式静电旋风集尘器;空污控制设备;cyclone;electrocyclone;wet electrocyclone;air pollute control equipment
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 传统旋风集尘器对于次微米以下之微粒收集效率不高,干式旋风静电集尘器可靠離心力來去除气
动直径在5-10 m 以上的微粒,而5-10 m 以下的微粒则靠静电力去除,可改进传统旋风器之缺点。
静电移除之用。另外利用旋风器入口喷入细水滴(梭特直径约为50~200 m)以增加水滴的电场充电
200~1000 L/min,接着再完成实验室的低浓度气胶及高浓度碳烟的长期去除效率测试,探讨设计參數
The submicron particle collection efficiency of traditional cyclones is not high. Dry-type
electrocyclones have the advantage that particles greater than 5-10 m in aerodynamic diameter can be
removed by centrifugal force while those smaller than 5-10 m can be removed by electrostatic force.
However, the collection efficiency will drop when dust particles accumulate on the wall of the cyclone and
the discharge electrodes. Therefore, it can't operate continuously unless the design incorporates the rapping
mechanism. This project intends to design and make a pilot-scale electrocyclone with the inner diameter of
40 cm in the cylindrical part. The discharge electrodes consist of several circular discs installed on the
hollow electric rod for particle charging and removal. The discs have sharp edges (diameter at the edge: 100
m) at the rim whose distances to the cyclone wall are kept the same. Fine water mist with the Sauter
diameter of 50 to 200 m is sprayed in the cyclone inlet and the droplets acquire charges by field charging
mechanism. The water droplets will be drifted in the radial direction to the cyclone wall by both electrostatic
and centrifugal forces forming uniform water film which cleans the accumulated dust on the wall
continuously into the hopper down below. During the drifting process, particles are contacted with water
droplets and the removal efficiency of particles is therefore enhanced. To remove dust particles accumulated
on the discharge discs, there is a small slot on the central rod near each disc which allows the use of pulse-jet
air to clean the tips of the discs continuously. It is expected that the present wet electrocyclone is able to
resolve dust accumulation problem which leads to the reduction of collection efficiency in traditional
dry-type electrocyclones.
During the project period, a pilot-scale wet electocyclone will be designed and manufactured with the
gas flow rate of 200~1000 L/min. Then the short-term and long-term collection efficiency tests for low
concentration aerosols and high concentration soot particles, respectively, will be conducted to investigate
the influence of design parameters and operating conditions. Finally the field pilot test will be conducted in
an exhaust gas containing fine particles in the high-tech industry. It is expected the competitiveness of the
cooperating company for the air pollution control devices will be greatly enhanced after the completion of
the project.
官方说明文件#: NSC100-2622-E009-010-CC3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99616
显示于类别:Research Plans