標題: 大強子對撞機物理中之強關聯理論
Strongly-Interacting Theories at Tev Scale and Lhc Physics
作者: 林及仁
Lin Chi-Jen David
關鍵字: 大強子對撞機非微擾物理;nonperturbative physics in physics of large hadron collider
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 我主要的研究方向是跟大強子對撞機有關的強關聯場論之非微擾計算。主要的研究方式是格點場論。這個研究方式必須倚靠高效能計算資源來進行大尺度的數值運算。我對於以下兩個研究課題特別感興趣: 1.經由新的強交戶作用來破壞電弱對稱性。這包括了對可能成為walking technicolour現象的規範場論的數值計算,以及對Higgs-Yukawa系統在強關聯狀態下的更深入了解。 2.非微擾QCD效應在b-重子衰變過程中的貢獻。這些計算結果將可與LHC-b實驗的結果共同在高精度測試的方法下,找出新物理的訊息。
My main esearch interest is the non-perturbative aspects of strongly-interacting theories in physics of the LHC. In particular, I perform lattice field theory calculations with large-scale numerical simulations using high-performance computing facilities. There are two main research avenues that I am pursuing: 1. Physics of elctroweak symmetry breaking through new strong interactions at TeV scele. This includes the search for candidate theories for the walking technicolour scenario, as well as non-perturbative aspects of the Higgs-Yukawa systems which have implications on extra fermions beyond the standard model. 2. Non-perturbative QCD effects in b-baryon decay amplitudes. This will have significant impacts on the LHC-b programme.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2112-M009-004-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99745


  1. 992112M009004MY3(第3年).PDF

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