Title: 預籌未來應用之寬頻異質無線傳輸介面研究-子計畫二:合作型感知通訊之機會式傳輸技術(I)
Opportunistic Transmission Techniques for Cooperative Cognitive Communications
Authors: 馮智豪
Fung Carrson C.
Keywords: 頻譜偵測;隨機規畫;錐形偵測器;Spectrum sensing;stochastic programming;cone detector
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本報告在此提出一應用在感知無線通訊系統下之機率式錐形偵測器。即使在信號模型失準的情形之下,本偵測器能精準的偵測主使用者(Primary User)是否正在使用特定頻段。與其他既定式(Deterministic)方法相較起來,本偵測器擁有較精準的表現。在雜訊已知以及中斷機率(Outage Probability)為0.8的條件下,初步結果顯示本偵測器較既定式方法多0.5 dB的增益。進一步的研究仍在進行中。另一方面,本方法亦可考慮干擾訊號以及雜訊失準的情況設計。
Herein proposed is a probabilistic cone detector which can be deployed for spectrum sensing for cognitive radio systems. The proposed sensing scheme is able to accurately detect the presence of primary users despite uncertainty/mismatch in the transmitted signal and channel model. The proposed design can achieve higher detection performance in most scenarios when compared to its deterministic counterpart as it treats the mismatch in a less conservative fashion. Assuming the noise covariance is given, preliminary results have shown that the probabilistic cone detector is able to outperform its deterministic counterpart by about 0.5 dB when the outage probability equals 0.8 and when the mismatch is grossly or moderately overestimated under an interference-free environment. Further investigation is ongoing to establish the efficacy of the proposed design. Other modifications in the design are underway to include modeling of mismatch of the interference signal and modeling of the uncertainty in the noise covariance.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2219-E009-015
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99767
Appears in Collections:Research Plans