Title: 考慮潮汐與波浪溯升因素以衛星影像監測灘線變遷之可行性研究
Satellite-Image-Based Shoreline Monitoring Considering Tide Level and Wave Run-up
Authors: 張憲國
Keywords: 衛星影像;灘線位置;波浪溯升;潮汐高程;Satellite imagery;shoreline position;run-up;tidal level
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 台灣海岸因大波浪及海岸結構物等因素常有海岸變遷問題。對海岸變化特性瞭解後
Gardel and Gratiot (2005) 求出海灘坡度的方法來降低潮汐對辨識灘線位置的影響。第二
以及FORMOSA2 等光學衛星的雲覆蓋率,主要當地表雲量大的時候,會遮蔽地表進行
Some coasts around Taiwan have been suffering from beach erosion or accretion due to
large wave actions or marine structures. Investigating on bathymetrical variations around
Taiwan becomes important for protecting coastal land of Taiwan. An early coastline surveying
by an altazimuth or real-time kinematic GPS is a factitious and tedious work that needs high
manpower and cost. Some problems by traditional measurements sometimes happen at the
places near the shoreline and marine structures. A three-year project is proposed to solve the
problems. This project aims at establishing techniques of extracting the shoreline from
satellite imagines and of correcting the originally extracted shoreline to the position at a
datum of mean water level. The proposed method of determining shorelines from satellite
images provides a set of shorelines of different time for future study on beach evolution.
In the first year, a correction on shoreline position due to tidal variation is considered.
Chang and Chen (2005), the applicant of this project, proposed two ways of correcting
shoreline position from satellite images due to tidal variations.The results showed that large
discrepancy between the extracted shorelines and measured ones occurs when the beach slope
is very mild or beach evolution varies with a stable trend. The Gardel and Gratiot’s (2005)
method determining the beach slope will be suggested to modify the originally proposed
method to accurately detect the shoreline position. Run-up of wave’s swashing on the beach is
also a key factor of effecting the position of shoreline. A correction of wave’s run-up on the
shoreline position will be investigated in the project of second year. The wave pattern of
satellite images can offers the wave direction and marine data base of satellite information
includes wave height. Both wave direction and wave height obtained can be used to compute
the run-up. Spot and Formosa 2 are two commonly used satellites in Taiwan. Some satellite
images including most clouds are common. Clouds in satellite image reflecting sun’s light
cover the land. Therefore, determining the shoreline position in this case becomes difficult. A
statistical analysis on the rate of clouds covering the land will be carried out to accurately
determine the shorelines in the project of third year after.
Gov't Doc #: NSC97-2221-E009-182-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99784
Appears in Collections:Research Plans