Title: | 族群政治下的聖地與社會---雲南大理與巍山壩子的研究 Political Ethnics of the Sacred Sites and Indigenous Societies--- The Research in Dali and Weishan, Southwest China |
Authors: | 連瑞枝 Juichih Lien 國立交通大學人文社會學系 |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 此研究計劃內容主要是討中國西南地區,尤其是大理地區,明朝以來之漢人軍屯與土 著社會二者在族群政治的安排下所產生的社會關係。主要從二個層面來討論:一土著 社會如何在軍屯設置下讓渡土地給漢人軍屯。一是外來的漢人軍屯如何被編置在土著 社會之中。研究地點主要集中在大理與巍山地區,主要是因為自八世紀以來,巍山便 是南詔開國始祖細奴邏的祖地。大理則是後來南詔大理國之皇都所在地。二個壩子在 明朝統治之後,各被不同的統治模式所制約,前者被編戶齊民,受流官管轄,後者被 土司所管轄。但這二個壩子同時安置軍屯。在明朝以後,大理逐漸地在文字上創作一 個佛教聖地的地方認同,而與巍山佛教寺廟的道教化形成強烈的對比。在這二年的研 究中,擬從大理地區收集而來民間古文書,來討論二個不同政治模式的壩子分別如何 在國家力量以及漢人移民的過程中區辨群己,如何透過佛寺、神祠與聖地來重構社會 秩序與界線。 This project proposal focuses on the indigenous-‐Han relationships around Dali society in Yunnan, southwest China. Two main topics will be discussed: how the indigenous communities transferred their land to the military stations (juntun), which were mostly Han people, and the second, how the Han people were organized into the indigenous society. The research will especially on Dali and Weishan area, mainly because the Weishan was the homeland of the founder of Nanzhao Kingdom, now the indigenous people are Yi people, and Dali was the royal city of the Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms, now their inhabitants are mostly Bai people. The two fields were set into different political formations since the Ming’s conquest, Dali was ruled directly by the bureaucracy system, which mean the noble people were organized into the household registration and corvee under the local government, but the indigenous people of Weishan was governed under their tribal headman, the tusi system. Meanwhile, the Han people were migrated to the two fields for military purpose. Under such situations, especially in the mid-‐Ming time, Dali people created many local texts of the Buddhist sacred site among their landscape, in contract, the Weishan people created the legends of their Daoist sacred site for their ancestral land. The research will also use the land deeds collected from the villages discuss how the political ethnics and social formation was related to the practice of the legends of sacred sites, how the societies separated themselves into “the others” under the Han’s migration, and how the Buddhist temples, village temples and sacred sites were to rebuild their social order and reset their social boundary. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC99-2410-H009-041 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99878 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2130886&docId=341790 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |