標題: 創新動態學---最佳能力集合的轉化和價值創造(III)
Innovation Dynamics--- Optimal Transformation of Competence Sets and Creation of Values (III)
作者: 游伯龍
關鍵字: 創新;創造價值;習慣領域;能力集合;潛在領域;創新動態學;Innovation;Value Creation;Habitual Domains;Competence Set;Potential Domains;Innovation Dynamics
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 企業若不能創新,就只能原地踏步無法向前而被淘汰;若不能創造價值,就不能實現企業存在的意義,更無法永續發展。創新可說是企業永續發展的關鍵命脈,也是企業實現價值,並且創造價值的核心活動。學者專家針對企業創新議題雖已提出許多不同的討論,然而,目前對於創新的相關研究多半著重在某一特定環節,而缺乏一全面性的理論架構。 「企業創新」本身是一個動態循環,是企業經過目標建立,情況評估,了解顧客需求並提出產品或服務,為企業與顧客創造價值的一個動態循環。本計畫將以計畫主持人所創始之「習慣領域理論」(Habitual Domains Theory)和「能力集合分析」(Competence Set Analysis)為基礎,由「透視目標族群潛在領域(potential domains)的壓力結構,解除其潛在領域中的煩惱與痛苦」的角度來探討研究企業如何深入潛在領域,有效獲取、轉化其能力集合,滿足顧客需求,使企業創新及創造價值落實。在本計畫中,我們將達成以下目標: (1) 深入潛在領域尋找並量化有效的能力集合擴展方法,以幫助企業在面臨問題或瓶頸時,能獲取所需的能力以有效解決問題; (2) 當企業擁有某能力集合時,深入潛在領域尋找並量化有效方法來善用並創造該能力集合的最大價值; (3) 綜合以上兩者的研究成果,根據其彼此間的動態關係提出一整合性全方位的架構-創新動態學(Innovation Dynamics),以說明「企業創新與創造價值」的動態流程,俾協助企業創新,為其自身與顧客創造價值。
Without innovation, corporations will stand still and eventually get out of business. Without creating value, corporations cannot realize their meaning of existence and cannot sustain their continued growth. Innovation indeed is the key factor for the corporate sustained growth and is the key activity for value creation. There are a number of academic studies on innovation. They focus on some special issues and do not offer a comprehensive and integrated frame work of innovation. Corporate Innovation itself is a dynamics. It is a dynamic process involving corporate goal setting, state evaluation, understanding customers’ need, output of products and services and creating values for the targeted customers and themselves. This research proposal based on Habitual Domains Theory and Competence Set Analysis, both initiated by the Principal Investigator, will get into potential domains to study the charge structures and relieving the charges and pains of the targeted customers and explore how corporations by deeply getting into potential domains as to effectively get and transform their competence sets to produce needed products on service to satisfy the customers need as to create value and make innovation a reality. We try to achieve the following goals in this proposal: (1) deeply get into potential domains as to locate and quantify effective ways to expand and transform from the existing competence sets to the needed competence sets as to solve the challenging problems that confronting the corporations; (2) deeply get into potential domains as to seek and quantify effective ways to maximize the value of the existing competence sets; (3) integrate the above into a comprehensive and integrated frame work of Innovation Dynamics as to help people understand corporate innovation and creating maximal values for the targeted customers and themselves.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2410-H009-052
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99909