Browsing by Author 周揚珊

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Mar-2014九降風吹 關西柿事永難忘周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2-Jan-2011倪安東 貫穿人生《第一課》周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
19-Dec-2010卡通分級制 矯枉過正?周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
15-May-2011台灣新世代插畫家 鄒駿昇周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
26-Sep-2010《唐山大地震》周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
12-Dec-2010嚴爵 華語樂壇的美好衝擊周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
8-May-2011梁瀚云 速寫自我風格 周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
31-Oct-2010沒有極限的人生 林豈米周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
17-Oct-2010紅的絢麗平實《山楂樹之戀》周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
5-Jun-2011總編輯的話周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
22-May-2011薪火相傳 傳統文化入設計周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
1-May-2011設計雙人組 創意衣起來周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
24-Oct-2010超越自我 一念之間周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
28-Nov-2010跳舞吧 白髮又何妨周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
13-Mar-2011追夢周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
29-May-2011電腦時代 插畫的變與不變周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
26-Dec-2010「馬」力全開 秀熱情周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
21-Nov-2010體資生 看不見的努力周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
12-Jun-2011鹿港龍山寺 傳統新傳承周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
27-Mar-2011黃德榮 教畫孩子王周揚珊; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系