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顯示 1 到 6 筆資料,總共 6 筆
1-四月-2009The angular dependence of Neel wall resistance by magnetotransport in the centipedelike Permalloy structuresChung, T. Y.; Hsu, S. Y.; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics
六月-2016Design of a Hybrid Multiperiod Robinson Wiggler for TPS Light SourceHuang, C. W.; Chung, T. Y.; Chang, C. H.; Hwang, C. S.; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics
5-二月-2007Fabrication and low temperature thermoelectric properties of NaxCoO2 (x=0.68 and 0.75) epitaxial films by the reactive solid-phase epitaxyChang, W. J.; Hsieh, C. C.; Chung, T. Y.; Hsu, S. Y.; Wu, K. H.; Uen, T. M.; Lin, J. -Y.; Lin, J. J.; Hsu, C. -H.; Kuo, Y. K.; Liu, H. L.; Hsu, M. H.; Gou, Y. S.; Juang, J. Y.; 電子物理學系; 物理研究所; Department of Electrophysics; Institute of Physics
1-三月-2007Fabrication and X-ray absorption NaxCoO2 spectroscopy in layered cobaltate thin filmsChang, W. J.; Lin, J.-Y.; Chung, T. Y.; Chen, J. M.; Hsu, C.-H.; Hsu, S. Y.; Uen, T. M.; Wu, K. H.; Gou, Y. S.; Juang, J. Y.; 電子物理學系; 物理研究所; Department of Electrophysics; Institute of Physics
2010Magnetic vortex structures probed by magnetotransport in sub-micron permalloy disksKuo, C. Y.; Chung, T. Y.; Hsu, S. Y.; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics
2009Magneto-transport flipping induced by surface oxidation in Co filmsChung, T. Y.; Hsu, S. Y.; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics