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1-一月-2018The accuracy of the aerosol particle mass analyzer for nanoparticle classificationLiao, Bo-Xi; Tseng, Neng-Chun; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
19-八月-2018Adsorption phenomena and related mechanisms of airborne nanoparticles on porous materialsLi, Ziyi; Liu, Yingshu; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; Xing, Yi; Lu, Pei; Yin, Likun; Yang, Ralph; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1997API AerosizerTM 計數效率之理論研究楊武松; Yang, Wu-Song; 蔡春進; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; 環境工程系所
1-一月-2007An axial flow cyclone to remove nanoparticles at low pressure conditionsChen, Sheng-Chieh; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-七月-2017Biomass burning tracers in rural and urban ultrafine particles in Xi'an, ChinaZhu, Chong-Shu; Cao, Jun-Ji; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng; Tao, Jun; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-四月-2012Characteristic of nanoparticles generated from different nano-powders by using different dispersion methodsTsai, Chuen-Jinn; Lin, Guan-Yu; Liu, Chun-Nan; He, Chi-En; Chen, Chun-Wan; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-八月-2020Characterization of Atmospheric PM(2.5)Inorganic Aerosols Using the Semi-Continuous PPWD-PILS-IC System and the ISORROPIA-IILe, Thi-Cuc; Wang, Yun-Chin; Pui, David Y. H.; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-七月-2010Characterization of carbon fractions for atmospheric fine particles and nanoparticles in a highway tunnelZhu, Chong-Shu; Chen, Cheng-Chieh; Cao, Jun-Ji; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; Chou, Charles C. -K.; Liu, Shaw-Chen; Roam, Gwo-Dong; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
2010Chemical Mass Closure and Chemical Characteristics of Ambient Ultrafine Particles and other PM FractionsChen, Sheng-Chieh; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; Huang, Cheng-Yu; Chen, Hong-Dar; Chen, Shui-Jen; Lin, Chih-Chung; Tsai, Jen-Hsiung; Chou, Charles C. -K.; Lung, S. -C. Candice; Huang, Wei-Ru; Roam, Gwo-Dong; Wu, Wan-Yi; Smolik, Jiri; Dzumbova, Lucie; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-四月-2013Collection efficiency and interstage loss of nanoparticles in micro-orifice-based cascade impactorsLiu, Chun-Nan; Awasthi, Amit; Hung, Yi-Hung; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-一月-2014Comparison and implications of PM2.5 carbon fractions in different environmentsZhu, Chong-Shu; Cao, Jun-Ji; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; Shen, Zhen-Xing; Han, Yong-Ming; Liu, Sui-Xin; Zhao, Zhu-Zi; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
15-十二月-2010Concentrations of ultrafine particles at a highway toll collection booth and exposure implications for toll collectorsCheng, Yu-Hsiang; Huang, Cheng-Hsiung; Huang, Hsiao-Lin; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-四月-2007Control efficiency of submicron particles by an efficient venturi scrubber systemHuang, Cheng-Hsiung; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; Wang, Yu-Min; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-五月-2010Copper Loaded on Sol-Gel-Derived Alumina Adsorbents for Phosphine RemovalHsu, Jung-Nan; Bai, Hsunling; Li, Shou-Nan; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-一月-2015Design and Testing of the NCTU Micro-Orifice Cascade Impactor (NMCI) for the Measurement of Nanoparticle Size DistributionsChien, Chih-Liang; Tien, Chi-Yu; Liu, Chun-Nan; Ye, Huajun; Huang, Wei; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-三月-2020A detailed numerical study on the evolution of droplet size distribution of dibutyl phthalate in a laminar flow diffusion chamberJia, Feng; Li, Zi-Yi; Pui, David Y. H.; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-八月-2018Detection of Particulate Matter of Size 2.5 m with a Surface-Acoustic-Wave Sensor Combined with a Cyclone SeparatorKuo, Fung-Yu; Lin, Ying-Chen; Ke, Ling-Yi; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; Yao, Da-Jeng; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-十月-2019Development of a Novel Shallow Liquid Interface Exposure System for MWCNT Toxicity AssessmentTien, Chi-Yu; Li, Jui-Ping; Han, Ding; Li, Ziyi; Fu, Pin-Kuei; Chen, Jen-Kun; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-二月-2017Development of an Automated System (PPWD/PILS) for Studying PM2.5 Water-Soluble Ions and Precursor Gases: Field Measurements in Two Cities, TaiwanLi, Ziyi; Liu, Yingshu; Lin, Yujie; Gautam, Sneha; Kuo, Hui-Chuan; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; Yeh, Huajun; Huang, Wei; Li, Shih-Wei; Wu, Guo-Jei; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
1-八月-2013Differences in 24-h average PM2.5 concentrations between the beta attenuation monitor (BAM) and the dichotomous sampler (Dichot)Liu, Chun-Nan; Awasthi, Amit; Hung, Yi-Hung; Gugamsetty, Balakrishnaiah; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; Wu, Yueh-Chuen; Chen, Chung-Fang; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering