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顯示 1 到 16 筆資料,總共 16 筆
1-四月-2008Bio-imaging of alpha-bungarotoxin binding to target cell by carboxylated nanodiamondChao, Jui-I; Liu, Kuang-Kai; Chen, Mei-Fang; Chen, Po-Yi; Lee, Tony J. F.; Chang, Chia-Ching; Ho, Yen-Peng; Cheng, Chia-Liang; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-一月-2008Combining fuzzy AHP with MDS in identifying the preference similarity of alternativesChen, Mei-Fang; Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung; Ding, Cherng G.; 經營管理研究所; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management; Institute of Management of Technology
2004The impact of trust on Web purchase intentionChen, Mei-Fang; Tang, Yingchan Edwin; Kau, Ah Keng; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-一月-2015The impacts of green claims on coffee consumers\' purchase intentionChen, Mei-Fang; Lee, Chia-Lin; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
1-十月-2013The impacts of the food traceability system and consumer involvement on consumers' purchase intentions toward fast foodsChen, Mei-Fang; Huang, Chien-Hsien; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
2-十二月-2010Interplay between Structure and Fluidity of Model Lipid Membranes under Oxidative AttackTai, Wan-Yu; Yang, Yi-Cyun; Lin, Hui-Jen; Huang, Chin-Ping; Cheng, Yi-Lin; Chen, Mei-Fang; Yen, Hsiu-Lan; Liau, Ian; 應用化學系; 應用化學系分子科學碩博班; Department of Applied Chemistry; Institute of Molecular science
2011Modelling job stress as a mediating role in predicting turnover intentionChen, Mei-Fang; Lin, Chieh-Peng; Lien, Gin-Yen; 經營管理研究所; Institute of Business and Management
2015The Impact of Employee CSR Perception on Customer Satisfaction through Employees' Attitudes and Behaviors林孟杰; Lin,Meng-Chieh; 陳美芳; Chen, Mei-Fang; 經營管理研究所
2011中國觀光客來台之觀光衝擊對居民觀光支持態度影響—以日月潭國家風景區為例葉紘圻; Yeh, Hung-Chi; 陳美芳; Chen, Mei-Fang; 經營管理研究所
2011企業贊助能發揮功效嗎?─運動涉入程度對贊助商之企業形象及購買意願的影響陳妍如; Chen, Yen-Ju; 陳美芳; Chen, Mei-Fang; 經營管理研究所
2010廣告訊息要素與環保價格折扣對綠色品牌權益及購買意願的影響──綠色信任的調節作用李佳璘; Lee, Chia-Lin; 陳美芳; Chen, Mei-Fang; 經營管理研究所
2011延伸性計畫行為理論在生態旅遊的應用 -以陽明山國家公園為例鄭品睿; Cheng, Pin-Jui; 陳美芳; Chen, Mei-Fang; 經營管理研究所
2016消費者知覺價值、個別差異與自我效能對使用行動支付意願的影響盧琇暐; 陳美芳; Lu, Hsiu-Wei; Chen, Mei-Fang; 經營管理研究所
2012知識分享與顧客導向對顧客滿意與忠誠度的影響王海燕; Wang, Hai-Yen; 陳美芳; Chen, Mei-Fang; 經營管理研究所
2012顧客無禮行為與情緒勞務對員工工作滿意之影響—以知覺組織支持為干擾變數李崇民; Li, Chung-Min; 陳美芳; Chen, Mei-Fang; 經營管理研究所
2009顧客相關之企業社會責任及服務品質對顧客忠誠的影響--顧客歸因的調節效果鄭惠紅; Cheng, Hui-Hung; 陳美芳; Chen, Mei-Fang; 經營管理研究所