Browsing by Author Hung, Chih-Young

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-May-2006AN AHP MODEL FOR BRINGING EXPERTS TO CONSENSUS ON MEDICAL PAYMENT STANDARDSHuang, Yuan-Huei; Chang, Pei-Yeh; Hung, Chih-Young; Wang, Kuei-Ing; Chang, King-Jen; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
1-Apr-2013DEPLOYING ARIMA AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS MODELS TO PREDICT ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN TAIWANChuang, Feng-Kuang; Hung, Chih-Young; Chang, Chi-Ya; Kuo, Kuo-Cheng; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
1-Dec-2013Deploying Arima and Artificial Neural Networks Models to Predict Energy Consumption in TaiwanChuang, Feng-Kuang; Hung, Chih-Young; Chang, Chi-Ya; Kuo, Kuo-Cheng; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
2009A Dynamic Competition Simulation for Worldwide Big-size TV Market Using Lotka-Volterra ModelChen, Wu-Tung Terry; Li, Yiming; Hung, Chih-Young; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
2006Evaluation of account receivable collection alternatives with fuzzy MCDM methodologyHung, Chih-Young; Li, Yiming; Chiang, Yi-Hui; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
1-Sep-2008INVENTORY MODELS WITH A NEGATIVE EXPONENTIAL CRASHING COST TAKING TIME VALUE INTO ACCOUNTDeng, Peter Shaohua; Lin, Robert Huang-Jing; Hung, Chih-Young; Chang, Jason; Chao, Henry; Jung, Sung-Te; Lin, Jennifer Shu-Jen; Chu, Peter; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
2009Periodic review stochastic inventory models with service level constraintHung, Chih-Young; Hung, Kuo-Chen; Tang, Wen-Han; Lin, Robert; Wang, Chi-Kae; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
Feb-2016A proactive technology selection model for new technology: The case of 3D IC TSVHung, Chih-Young; Lee, Wen-Yi; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
1-Feb-2016A proactive technology selection model for new technology: The case of 3D IC TSVHung, Chih-Young; Lee, Wen-Yi; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
1-Sep-2008Research note on the criteria for the optimal solution of the inventory model with a mixture of partial backordering and lost salesYang, Gino K.; Chou, Shuo-Yan; Hung, Chih-Young; Lin, Jennifer Shu-Jen; Chu, Peter; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
2007Resource allocation model and an efficient solution algorithmHung, Chih-Young; Yang, Jia-Ren; Liu, Yi-Hsin; Park, Dong Ho; Kao, Li-Han; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
1-Mar-2013Strategic foresight using a modified Delphi with end-user participation: A case study of the iPad's impact on Taiwan's PC ecosystemHung, Chih-Young; Lee, Wen-Yee; Wang, Ding-Shan; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
2007A study of A/R collection for IC design industry in Taiwan using fuzzy MCDM methodologyHung, Chih-Young; Li, Yiming; Chiang, Yi-Hui; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
2005Symposium - Computational economics and data analysisHung, Chih-Young; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
2005Using fuzzy MCDM approach on A/R collection instruments selection in Taiwan's Hsinchu Science ParkHung, Chih-Young; Chiang, Yi-Hui; 科技管理研究所; Institute of Management of Technology
2007A variable coefficient method for accurate Monte Carlo simulation of dynamic asset priceLi, Yiming; Hung, Chih-Young; Yu, Shao-Ming; Chiang, Su-Yun; Chiang, Yi-Hui; Cheng, Hui-Wen; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
2016Wi-Fi技術發展和應用影響因素探討李承霖; 洪志洋; Li, Cheng-Lin; Hung, Chih-Young; 管理學院科技管理學程
2012以 Kano模式強化智慧電視產品開發蕭吏涵; Hsiao, Li-Han; 洪志洋; Hung, Chih-Young; 管理學院科技管理學程
2009以科技接受模式探討RFID在餐飲業應用之研究曹永興; Tsau, Yung-Sying; 洪志洋; Hung, Chih-Young; 管理學院科技管理學程
2011企業在環境變動下之因應策略-以廣達為例徐碧君; Hsu, Pi-Chun; 洪志洋; Hung, Chih-Young; 管理學院科技管理學程