Browsing by Author Ishii, Satoshi

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Jun-2020Graphene-Loaded Plasmonic Zirconium Nitride and Gold Nanogroove Arrays for Surface-Charge ModificationsYu, Min-Wen; Ishii, Satoshi; Ku, Ji-Ren; Yang, Jhen-Hong; Huang, Chih-Hsiang; Lu, Tien-chang; Lin, Tzy-Rong; Nagao, Tadaaki; Chen, Kuo-Ping; 光電系統研究所; 照明與能源光電研究所; 影像與生醫光電研究所; 光電工程學系; Institute of Photonic System; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics; Department of Photonics
15-Jul-2020Marimo-Bead-Supported Core-Shell Nanocomposites of Titanium Nitride and Chromium-Doped Titanium Dioxide as a Highly Efficient Water-Floatable Green PhotocatalystKaur, Manpreet; Shinde, Satish Laxman; Ishii, Satoshi; Jevasuwan, Wipakorn; Fukata, Naoki; Yu, Min-Wen; Li, Yunxiang; Ye, Jinhua; Nagao, Tadaaki; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
1-Jan-1970Narrow-Band Thermal Emitter with Titanium Nitride Thin Film Demonstrating High Temperature StabilityYang, Zih-Ying; Ishii, Satoshi; Doan, Anh Tung; Shinde, Satish Laxman; Dao, Thang Duy; Lo, Yu-Ping; Chen, Kuo-Ping; Nagao, Tadaaki; 照明與能源光電研究所; 影像與生醫光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
1-Sep-2017Narrowband Wavelength Selective Thermal Emitters by Confined Tamm Plasmon PolaritonsYang, Zih-Ying; Ishii, Satoshi; Yokoyama, Takahiro; Thang Duy Dao; Sun, Mao-Guo; Pankin, Pavel S.; Timofeev, Ivan V.; Nagao, Tadaaki; Chen, Kuo-Ping; 影像與生醫光電研究所; 光電工程學系; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics; Department of Photonics
1-Jul-2020Optical microresonator arrays of fluorescence-switchable diarylethenes with unreplicable spectral fingerprintsOkada, Daichi; Lin, Zhan-Hong; Huang, Jer-Shing; Oki, Osamu; Morimoto, Masakazu; Liu, Xuying; Minari, Takeo; Ishii, Satoshi; Nagao, Tadaaki; Irie, Masahiro; Yamamoto, Yohei; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics
1-Jan-1970Photocatalytic uphill conversion of natural gas beyond the limitation of thermal reaction systemsShoji, Shusaku; Peng, Xiaobo; Yamaguchi, Akira; Watanabe, Ryo; Fukuhara, Choji; Cho, Yohei; Yamamoto, Tomokazu; Matsumura, Syo; Yu, Min-Wen; Ishii, Satoshi; Fujita, Takeshi; Abe, Hideki; Miyauchi, Masahiro; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Oct-2016Tamm plasmon selective thermal emittersYang, Zih-ying; Ishii, Satoshi; Yokoyama, Takahiro; Dao, Thang Duy; Sun, Mao-guo; Nagao, Tadaaki; Chen, Kuo-ping; 影像與生醫光電研究所; 光電工程學系; Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics; Department of Photonics