Browsing by Author Lin, Song-Sun

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Mar-2011NONEMPTINESS PROBLEMS OF PLANE SQUARE TILING WITH TWO COLORSHu, Wen-Guei; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
28-Aug-2014Nonemptiness problems of Wang tiles with three colorsChen, Hung-Hsun; Hu, Wen-Guei; Lai, De-Jan; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
28-Aug-2014Nonemptiness problems of Wang tiles with three colorsChen, Hung-Hsun; Hu, Wen-Guei; Lai, De-Jan; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
Jul-2016ON SPATIAL ENTROPY OF MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SYMBOLIC DYNAMICAL SYSTEMSHu, Wen-Guei; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
15-Apr-2012On the structure of multi-layer cellular neural networksBan, Jung-Chao; Chang, Chih-Hung; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
2013On the Structure of Two-Layer Cellular Neural NetworksBan, Jung-Chao; Chang, Chih-Hung; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-May-2019Pattern generation problems arising in multiplicative integer systemsBan, Jung-Chao; Hu, Wen-Guei; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-Sep-2007Patterns generation and spatial entropy in two-dimensional lattice modelsBan, Jung-Chao; Lin, Song-Sun; Lin, Yin-Heng; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
5-Jan-2016Smooth solutions of the one-dimensional compressible Euler equation with gravityHsu, Cheng-Hsiung; Lin, Song-Sun; Yang, Chi-Ru; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
Feb-2016Spatial chaos of Wang tiles with two symbolsChen, Jin-Yu; Chen, Yu-Jie; Hu, Wen-Guei; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
15-Jan-2009Spatial complexity in multi-layer cellular neural networksBan, Jung-Chao; Chang, Chih-Hung; Lin, Song-Sun; Lin, Yin-Heng; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
15-Jan-2009Spatial complexity in multi-layer cellular neural networksBan, Jung-Chao; Chang, Chih-Hung; Lin, Song-Sun; Lin, Yin-Heng; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-Apr-2008Three-dimensional Cellular Neural Networks and pattern generation problemsBan, Jung-Chao; Lin, Song-Sun; Lin, Yin-Heng; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-Nov-2009ZETA FUNCTIONS FOR HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL SHIFTS OF FINITE TYPEHu, Wen-Guei; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
2010三維面著色的熵張育慈; Chang, Yu-Tzu; 林松山; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系所
2011三維面著色的連繫算子詹惠雯; Chan, Hui-Wen; 林松山; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系所
2009三角形邊著色的決定性問題陳泓勳; Chen, Hung-Shiun; 林松山; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系所
2011不受表情影響的人臉配對特徵點抓取方法研究曾茂清; Tseng, Moa-Ching; 林松山; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系數學建模與科學計算碩士班
2017二維平面三色頂點著色的非空問題何囿諭; 林松山; Ho, Yu-Yu; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系所
2016二維邊著色及三維面著色在非空問題之研究陳泓勳; 林松山; Chen, Hung-Hsun; Lin, Song-Sun; 應用數學系所