Browsing by Author Shi, J. -W.

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
201012.5-Gb/s Wireless Data Transmission by Using Bias Modulation of NBUTC-PD Based W-Band Photonic Transmitter-MixerKuo, F. -M.; Yen-Lin, Ho; Shi, J. -W.; Chen, Nan-Wei; Jiang, Wen-, Jr.; Lin, Chun-Ting; Chen, Jason (Jyehong); Pan, Ci-Ling; Chi, Sien; 光電系統研究所; 物理研究所; 光電工程學系; Institute of Photonic System; Institute of Physics; Department of Photonics
1-Jan-2011Cascade Laser Power Converter for Simultaneous 10 Gbps Data Detection and Efficient Optical-to-Electrical DC Power GenerationKuo, F. -M.; Lo, S. -S.; Pan, Ci-Ling; Shi, J. -W.; 物理研究所; 光電工程學系; Institute of Physics; Department of Photonics
2007Characterization of a Sub-THz Photonic Transmitter Based on a Sep arated-Tran sp o rt-Recombin ation PhotodiodeShi, J. -W.; Li, Yu-Tai; Pan, Ci-Ling; Chiu, C. -H.; Liu, W. -S.; Chyi, J. -I.; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Jul-2008Characterization of sub-THz photonic-transmitters based on CaAs-AlGaAs uni-traveling-carrier photodiodes and substrate-removed broadband antennas for impulse-radio communicationLi, Yu-Tai; Shi, J. -W.; Huang, Cheng-Yu; Chen, Nan-Wei; Chen, Shu-Han; Chyi, J. I.; Pan, Ci-Ling; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
2009Distinct Dynamic Behaviors of High-Power Photonic-Transmitters Based on Uni-Traveling Carrier and Separated-Transport-Recombination PhotodiodesLi, Yu-Tai; Yang, Chan-Shan; Pan, Ci-Ling; Shi, J. -W.; Huang, C. -Y.; Chen, N. -W.; Chen, S. -H.; Chyi, J. -I.; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Nov-2006Phosphor-free GaN-based transverse junction light emitting diodes for the generation of white lightShi, J. -W.; Huang, H. -Y; Wang, C. -K.; Sheu, J. -K.; Lai, W. -C.; Wu, Y-S.; Chen, C. -H.; Chu, J. -T.; Kuo, H. -C.; Lin, Wei-Ping; Yang, Tsung-Hsun; Chyi, J. -I.; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
15-Jan-2010Photonic Impulse-Radio Wireless Link at W-Band Using a Near-Ballistic Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodiode-Based Photonic Transmitter-MixerKuo, F. -M.; Li, Yu-Tai; Shi, J. -W.; Wang, Shao-Ning; Chen, Nan-Wei; Pan, Ci-Ling; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
2008Sub-THz Photonic-Transmitters Based on GaAs/AlGaAs Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodiode and Micromachined Circular Disk Monopole Antenna for Ultra-wideband CommunicationLi, Yu-Tai; Pan, Ci-Ling; Shi, J. -W.; Huang, Cheng-Yu; Chen, Nan-Wei; Chen, Shu-Han; Chyi, J. -I.; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
2009W-Band Vector Signal Generation via Optical Millimeter-wave Generation and Direct Modulation of NBUTC-PDShih, Po-Tsung; Lin, Chun-Ting; Jiang, Wen-Jr; Wong, Er-Zih; Chen, Jason (Jyehong); Chi, Sien; Wu, Y. -S.; Kuo, F. -M.; Chen, Nan-Wei; Shi, J. -W.; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Nov-2009W-Band Wireless Data Transmission by the Integration of a Near-Ballistic Unitraveling-Carrier Photodiode With a Horn Antenna Fed by a Quasi-Yagi RadiatorKuo, F. -M.; Shi, J. -W.; Wang, Shao-Ning; Chen, Nan-Wei; Shih, Po-Tsung; Lin, Chun-Ting; Jiang, Wen-Jr; Wong, Er-Zih; Chen, Jason; Chi, Sien; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics