標題: 含混凝土箱型鋼柱火害下軸向受力行為之研究
Behavior of axially loaded steel box columns filled with concrete in fire
作者: 陳誠直
關鍵字: 火;含混凝土箱型鋼柱;軸向載重;fire;concrete filled box column;axial loading
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 鋼骨材料因具有較良好的強度、勁度與延展性,故常用於國內外高樓層之建築;但鋼骨材料耐火性能較差,為提昇其防火效能常以噴塗防火被覆或防火漆等方式來提升鋼構造的耐火性能。惟鋼構造常因火害而造成結構損壞或倒塌事件,無法保障財產與人員生命之安全。混凝土材料,屬熱傳導係數較低之材質,耐火性較鋼骨材料佳且抗壓性能優良。混凝土內灌於箱型鋼柱(Concrete Filled Box Column, CFBC) 因其混凝土受箱型鋼板包覆,產生圍束效果,進而提昇CFBC整體強度、韌性,故亦常用於高樓建築。然而CFBC受火害行為之研究仍為不足,故本計畫擬進行混凝土內灌銲接組合箱型鋼柱受軸向載重火害行為研究,探討CFBC耐火性能和耐火時效。
Steel material possesses good strength, stiffness and ductility; therefore, the steel is commonly used in high-rise building. However, the steel has poor fire-resisting performance and fire protection material is needed to improve the fire-resisting behavior of the steel. Severe damage or collapse of the steel structures was occurred while the steel structures suffered the fire, which endangers the properties and people. Concrete material has lower coefficient of thermal conductivity and has better fire-resisting behavior than the steel. Due to the confinement effect, the concrete filled inside the box columns will enhance the strength and ductility of the concrete filled box columns (CFBC) which are widely used for high-rise building also. Nevertheless, the study for CFBC in fire is lack. This research will investigate the axial behavior of the CFBCs in fire and study the fire-resisting performance of the CFBCs in fire.
官方說明文件#: 099301070000G1007
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100046


  1. RRPG99020033.pdf

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