標題: 以蛋白質序列物化特性為特徵的蛋白質激Kinase-Specific磷酸化位置預測方法與分析
Prediction and Analysis of Identifying Protein Kinase-Specific Phosphorylation Sites Based on the Features of Physicochemical Properties of Sequences
作者: 黃慧玲
Hunag Hui-Ling
關鍵字: 物化特性;蛋白質激?磷酸化;基因演算法;溶劑可接觸性;蛋白質序列;預測方法;Physicochemical properties;kinase-specific phosphorylation;genetic algorithms;relative surface area of solvent accessibility;protein sequence;prediction method.
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本計畫「以蛋白質序列物化特性為特徵的蛋白質激酶磷酸化位置預測方法與分析」旨在提
持向量機與物化特性及RSA 預測值來預測蛋白質激酶磷酸化位置。一般結合處是在蛋白質的
輔助預測磷酸化發生位置的方法。由於蛋白質序列物化特性的可解讀性高,故可分析RSA 與
感受電位第四號TRPV4 做為分析標的物,作一預測系統以提供驗證。
The one-year project, prediction and analysis of identifying protein kinase-specific
phosphorylation sites based on the features of physicochemical properties of sequences, aims to
develop a set of high-performance intelligent genetic algorithms for mining physicochemical
properties of sequences as features to design two prediction methods. The first method uses support
vector regression with the physicochemical features to predict relative surface area (RSA) of solvent
accessibility. The second method uses support vector machine with the physicochemical features to
predict protein kinase-specific phosphorylation sites. The RSA value plays an important role in
developing explicit models for aiding prediction of the phosphorylation sites. Therefore, the project
proposes a two-step prediction method using the predicted RSA value of step 1 as an additional
important feature to predict phosphorylation sites. Due to the high interpretability of
physicochemical properties as features, the study will analyze the similarity and difference of
physicochemical properties to understand the mechanism of phosphorylation. Furthermore, the
project would develop a prediction platform to verify known proteins with phosphorylation sites,
such as transient receptor potential vanilloid subfamily member 4 (TRPV4).
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2221-E009-137
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100065


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