標題: 推動能源國家型科技計畫太陽能(有機及無機)之策略規劃
作者: 蔡娟娟
Tsai Chuang-Chuang
關鍵字: 能源國家型科技計畫;太陽能電池
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 太陽電能(有機與無機)的規劃分為半導體太陽電池與有機太陽電池,以模組與零組 件為技術目標。本計畫期望透過堅強的產學合作平台,結合產學研之能量,加強與國 外技術合作,研發我國自主技術,致力於太陽光電產業核心技術之研發。考量我國科 技獨特特色,規劃重點研究課題,加強基礎研究,培育產業科技人才與進行專利智權 佈局。
The planning for the National Science and Technology Program on Energy is divided into semiconductor solar cell and organic solar cell. The target is to develop module and component technology for practical solar cell applications. The project expects to integrate the resources of industry, academy and research institute through the platform of cooperative research. It is also going to collaborate overseas countries to develop our own technologies. Considering our specialty of technologies, the scheme will focus on the planning of major topics, reinforce fundamental research, training talents in industrial and proceeding IP overall arrangement.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-3113-P009-002-PO
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100282


  1. 993113P009002PO.PDF

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