標題: 環境中奈米物質量測及特性分析技術開發
作者: 蔡春進
Chuen-Jinn Tsai
關鍵字: 奈米微粒採樣及化學分析;奈米微粒質量平衡;奈米物質環境安全衛生;nanoparticle sampling and analysis;mass closure of nanoparticles;EHS of nanomaterials
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 本計畫首先針對市售4種奈米銀產品的奈米銀微粒逸散特量、粒徑分佈、及化學成分進行量測及分析,以評估市售奈米產品的安全性,並期望在未來將此結果做為奈米微粒暴露風險評估的參考數據。 本計畫的另一重點工作項目為大氣奈米微粒的數目及質量濃度量測。本研究將分別至北中南部各1個空品測站以掃描式電移動度粒徑分析儀(Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer, SMPS)及微孔均勻沉降衝擊器(Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor, MOUDI)來量測大氣奈米微粒的數目濃度及質量濃度,並建立大氣奈米微粒數目濃度與質量濃度量測之標準方法以做為未來施政參考。 最後本計畫也將針對大氣PM2.5氣態及微粒態的水溶性離子成分即時監測之可行性進行評估。本研究將以平行平板濕式固器分離器(Parallel Plate Wet Denuder, PPWD)結合液膜微粒採樣器(Particle Into Liquid Sampler, PILS)或氣膠化學成分偵測儀(Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor, ACSM)監測大氣中的酸鹼氣體及PM2.5微粒的水溶性離子濃度。監測結果也會和金屬固氣分離器採樣器(Porous-metal Denuder Sampler, PDS)的採樣結果進行比對,以驗證此系統的量測準確性。
In this project, the emission amount, size distribution, and chemical composition of four types of commercial available silver nanoparticles will be measured for evaluating the safety of commercial nano-products. It is expected that these measurement results can be used for the reference data of nanoparticle exposure risk assessment in the future. The other major work in this project it to measure the number and mass concentrations of atmospheric nanoparticles. We will employ a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) and a Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI) to measure the number and mass concentrations, respectively, at three air monitoring stations where each of them are located at northern, central, and southern Taiwan. The reference method for measuring number and mass concentrations of atmospheric nanoparticles will be also developed for the reference of administration execution in the future. Finally, the feasibility to simultaneously monitor both the particulate and gaseous water-soluble ion compositions in PM2.5 will be evaluated. In this work, a parallel plate wet denuder (PPWD) will be combined with a particle into liquid sampler (PILS) or an aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) to monitor air-born acid and base gases and the water-soluble ion concentration of PM2.5 particles. The measurement accuracy of this system will be also examined by comparing the monitoring results with the sampling results obtained from a porous-metal denuder sampler (PDS).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100493
Appears in Collections:Research Plans