標題: 量測山區降雨之CMOS可調同運行雙頻相位陣列收發器晶片與分散式電腦斷層掃描方法
CMOS Tunable Concurrent Dual-Band Phased Array Transceiver IC and Distributed Computed Tomography for Precipitation Estimation in Mountain Area
作者: 王毓駒
Wang Yu-Jiu
關鍵字: 雙頻收發器;雙模收發器;無線收發器;無線偵測網路;降雨估計;分散式電腦斷層掃描;Dual-band transceivers;dual-mode transceivers;wireless transceivers;wireless sensor network;precipitation estimation;distributed computed tomography
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 主持人:王毓駒 計畫名稱:量測山區降雨之CMOS 可調同運行雙頻相位陣列收發器晶片與分散式電腦斷 層掃描方法 中文摘要: 微波與毫米波在穿過降雨區傳播時,由於雨滴對電磁波的雷利散射,會對不同頻 率的電磁波訊號產生不同的路徑衰減。我們提出透過同時量測兩個不同頻率電磁波之 間衰減差距的方式,來進行電磁波傳播路徑上的降雨量路徑積分量測。再搭配電腦斷 層掃描的方式,重建指定區域內的高解析度雨量分布。 本計畫將在透過雙頻衰減估計雨量的主架構下,專注於兩項關鍵技術的研究。第 一是適合用於雙頻衰減雨量量測使用之可調同運行雙頻相位陣列無線收發器系統晶 片。以及當我們完成雙頻衰減量測之後,藉由衰減量測結果重建雨量分布的分散式電 腦斷層掃瞄演算法。 可調同運行雙頻相位陣列無線收發器系統晶片研究內容包含:可調同運行雙頻低 雜訊放大器、可調同運行雙頻功率放大器、可調同運行雙頻相位陣列接收器、可調同 運行雙頻相位陣列發射器設計與量測。雙頻相位陣列收發器之晶片自動量測與校準設 計。晶片將以90 奈米或以下CMOS 製程製造。晶片系統的主要設計目標將是降低,在 實際量測雨量時,因為收發器所造成的量測不準確度;以及透過相位陣列的方式減少 多路徑傳播問題。 分散式電腦斷層掃描演算法的研究部分涵蓋,使用代數與統計重建法,從收發器 所量測得的路徑衰減資訊進行雨量分佈的計算,再透過電腦模擬及FPGA 進行演算法的 驗證。 台灣多山,阻擋氣象雷達訊號於山區傳遞。而透過雨量站與氣象衛星進行山區雨 量資訊蒐集則缺乏空間解析度或即時性。我們希望透過本計畫的執行,提供一個解決 台灣偏遠山區雨量資訊蒐集不足的方法。
Principle Investigator: Yu-Jiu Wang Project Name: CMOS Tunable Concurrent Dual-Band Phased Array Transceiver IC and Distributed Computed Tomography for Precipitation Estimation in Mountain Area Project Abstract: When millimeter waves and microwaves travel through a raining area, rain-drops cause Rayleigh scattering of EM waves and generate different propagation attenuations for signals at different frequencies. We propose the approach of estimating rainfall rate in a given area by first measuring concurrent dual-band differential attenuation of many concurrent dual-band signals, and then reconstructing rainfall distribution by distributed computed tomography. This project will be focused on two key research topics under the framework of dual-band differential attenuation precipitation estimation. In the first place, we will study and develop tunable concurrent dual-band phased-array RF transceiver system integrated circuits for precipitation estimation purpose. At the same time, we will study and develop the corresponding distributed computed tomography algorithm that reconstructs rainfall distribution from collected data. Concurrent tunable dual-band phased-array transceiver system IC research will include: the design and measurement of tunable concurrent dual-band low noise amplifier, power amplifier, phased-array receiver and phased-array transmitter ICs. All designs will be implemented in 90nm (or below) CMOS process. Our design goal is to minimize the measurement uncertainty contributed from wireless transceivers when practicing dual-band measurements, and reducing multi-paths by using phased-array systems. Researches on distributed tomography algorithm include the use of algebraic and statistical reconstruction to estimate rainfall distribution from many differential attenuation measurements. Algorithms will be simulated on computer and verified on FPGA. There are no good solutions for collecting real-time high-resolution rainfall information in central Taiwan. Weather radar signals are blocked by mountains, weather stations cannot provide high resolution information, and weather satellites provide no real-time information. We hope the executions of this proposal can help Taiwan solve this issue.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2218-E009-011
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100528