標題: 虛擬社群認同感對接受和提供訊息意願的影響
Sense of Virtual Community--- Influencing the Evaluation of Electronic Word of Mouth and Intention of Posting Information
作者: 黃仁宏
關鍵字: 電子口耳相傳;虛擬社群認同感;Electronic word of mouth (eWOM);sense of virtual community (SOVC)
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 電子化的口耳相傳,對消費者的態度和行為意圖有很重要的影響。消費者可能因自 己和社群的關係,而非和某一個個人的關係,採信在這個社群上的訊息,因此,線上社 群本身是訊息來源品質的參考。此外,線上社群會員對於自己和社群關係的認知,也可 能影響他在這個社群發表意見的意願。本研究有兩個目的,一、探討虛擬社群的歸屬感, 是否會影響電子化的口耳相傳和產品判斷兩者之間的關係,二、探討會員的虛擬社群歸 屬感,是否會影響在這個社群發表意見的意願。本研究將提供情境,並以問卷搜集資料。 本研究將有理論上和實務上的寓意,在理論上,本研究有助於我們對虛擬社群的歸屬 感,在接受和提供訊息方面所扮演的角色,有更進一步的瞭解。在實務方面,本研究可 以讓行銷人員改善線上社群的管理。
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication is critically important in influencing consumers’ attitudes and behavioral intentions. Consumers may adopt the information based on the relationship with community rather than that with individuals. The online community itself thus functions as a reference for evaluating source quality. Furthermore, perception of the relationship with the online community may also play a role in members’ decision to submit information. This study has two objectives. First, it aims to examine whether the sense of virtual community moderates the relationship between the perceived influence of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) and product judgment. Second, this study also aims to examine whether the sense of virtual community moderate the relationship between opinion leadership and the intention of posting eWOM on the online community. Questions with scenarios will be distributed to collect data. This work will have theoretical as well as empirical implications. Theoretically, this research will enhance our knowledge of the role of sense of community in influencing consumers’acceptance of messages and intention of providing information in the online community. The work will also enable marketers to improve their management of online communities.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2410-H009-027
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100698