Title: 寬頻合作式無線多輸出入通訊系統---總計畫(I)
Broadband Cooperative Wireless MIMO Communication System(I)
Authors: 林大衛
Keywords: 合作式多輸出入系統;中繼站系統;IEEE 802;16e/j/m;WiMAX;LTE;正交分頻多工;正交分頻多重進接;單載波分頻多重進接;系統實作;Cooperative MIMO;Relay System;IEEE 802;16e/j/m;WiMAX;LTE;OFDM;OFDMA;SC-FDMA;System Implementation
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 無線多輸出入傳輸近年來發展迅速,其中最簡單的點對點、單用戶傳輸已經實用 化,也有許多人在研發多用戶多輸出入技術,也就是一點(基地台或中繼站)與多點(行動 台)間的傳輸。最近更有人提出合作式多輸出入傳輸,可視為多點(基地台或中繼站)與多 點(行動台)間的傳輸,理論上可大幅提升整體傳輸速率,且已有人在國際標準會議中提 議使用這類傳輸方式。本整合型計畫旨在研究合作式多輸出入通訊,原擬為期三年,之 前已獲核定一年(2008 年8 月至2009 年7 月,執行中),現在申請延續二年。本申請案 除總計畫外,共分五個子計畫,其中二個子計畫研究下行訊號傳收技術,二個子計畫研 究上行訊號傳收技術,另一個子計畫則研究資源管理與時空編碼技術。其中下行傳輸考 慮正交分頻多工與多重進接(OFDM/OFDMA),上行傳輸則考慮正交分頻多重進接 (OFDMA)及單載波分頻多重進接(SC-FDMA)兩種方式。我們並將從事實驗性的軟硬體 實作。在系統架構上,我們將參考IEEE 802.16m 標準(仍在制定中)以及較早的802.16j(尚 未定稿)與802.16e 標準,系統中可設有中繼站,並採用分時雙工。在本年中,我們已在 從事分項傳輸技術之研究,並開始建置軟硬體實作平台。在本延續案的第一年中,除繼 續分項技術之研究外,也將進一步從事分項技術的實作;最後一年則將繼續分項技術的 研究,並完成所規劃的系統實作。
Wireless multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transmission is fast developing in recent years. Of it the simplest point-to-point, single-user transmission has entered into practical use, and many are developing multiuser MIMO techniques which deals with transmission between one point (base station or relay station) and multiple points (mobile stations). Recently some have even proposed cooperative MIMO transmission, which can be viewed as transmission between multiple points (base stations or relay stations) and multiple points (mobile stations). In theory it can significantly increase the overall transmission rate. Moreover, there have been proposals in international standards meetings to use this kind of transmission. The aim of this integrated research project is to study cooperative MIMO communication. It has been planned for three years and has been awarded for one year (August 2008 to July 2009). The present application is for a two-year continuation. Aside from the main project, this integrated project contains five subprojects, where two of them consider downlink signal transmission technologies, two consider uplink signal transmission technologies, and the remaining one considers resource management and space-time coding. In downlink transmission, we consider orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing/multiple access (OFDM/OFDMA), and in uplink transmission, both OFDMA and single-carrier frequency-division multiple access (SC-FDMA). We will also conduct experimental software/hardware implementation. In terms of system architecture, we will refer to the IEEE 802.16m standard (still in the making) and the earlier 802.16j (not yet finalized) and 802.16e standards. The system may employ relay stations, and it will employ time-division duplex (TDD). In the present year, we have been conducting research in individual transmission techniques and have begun to set up hardware and software implementation platforms. In the first year of the continuation project, besides further research in individual techniques, we expect to move forward also in the implementation of the individual techniques. And in the last year, we will continue the research in individual techniques as well as complete the planned system implementation.
Gov't Doc #: NSC98-2219-E009-009
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100798
Appears in Collections:Research Plans