Title: 海岸生態棲地評估技術研究(1/2)
Authors: 郭一羽
Keywords: 海岸生態;棲地評估;生態調查;工程影響評估
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本計畫主要就海岸棲地評估技術進行研究,以保全多樣性海岸棲地環境。藉由探討臺灣海岸生態環境特性,將臺灣地區海岸棲地類型屬性予以分類,並建立各類生態棲地評估步驟、內容、方法及指標。本計畫預計分2年度執行,第1年度工作主要為彙整國內外相關海岸棲地評估技術,建立適用於臺灣海岸防護規劃之棲地評估技術。第2年度工作著重於利用第1年海岸棲地評估技術研擬成果進行示範區驗證及彙編「海岸生態棲地評估作業手冊」。並進行棲地評估技術研擬成果驗證。期能建構一套完整海岸生態棲地評估作業方式,以利從事海岸防護規劃時,除達成安全防護目標外,亦能兼顧海岸生態環境保育,使整體海岸環境永續發展。 (一)臺灣各海岸棲地環境現況說明及類型探討 針對海灘、礁石海岸、溼地、潟湖、沙洲與沙丘、河口等六種棲地類型,本計畫將全臺灣海岸進行分類,分類原則如下。以水利署10個河川局管轄區當作10大區塊,運用光學衛星影像資料配合相關文獻依各海岸段的地理特性與結構物分布進行判斷其棲地環境類型。並由衛星影像中求取海岸各區域長度及寬度,而分類之中有海岸結構物(如:漁港、突堤及離岸堤)或是特殊棲地類型(如:濕地名稱、河川基本資料及保護區),一律加註在表格備註中,為了提供海岸開發規劃與評估,海岸結構物的堤長也一併加入說明;若當地有國家級重要溼地,則加註當地特有生態特性或特有種。分類完成後經各河川局確認後進行修正,以確保分類結果的品質。 (二)國內外海岸棲地評估技術探討 本計畫針對國內外海岸棲地評價模式進行資料收集,研究報告或期刊文獻中所應用的生態與棲地模式能應用在海岸地區的棲地評價模式主要有四:1.棲地評價模式(HEP);2.底棲生物整合指標(B-IBI)。;3.ECOPATH;4.水文地貌法(HGM)。本計畫已於文中介紹其原理、應用限制與適用範圍,以及各模式應用在海岸地區的案例說明。 (三)研擬海岸棲地生態調查項目與分析方式 本計畫依照第二章訂定之棲地類型分類,同時考慮採樣方式,歸納出各棲地對應調查項目,並將附著性生物調查、底棲性生物調查、浮游性生物調查及環境調查依其分類與調查方法詳細規範於文中。 (四)海岸棲地開發生態影響程度評估方式 棲地開發生態影響評估的生態復育目標,在生態指標方面,除了最基本的多樣性指標如歧異度等之外,可以底棲生物整合性指標(B-IBI)、適用於海岸棲地的水文地貌法(HGM)、及棲地評價模式(HEP)來做棲地評估,本研究並以海岸消波塊的附著生物為例,供往後各地區生態棲地評估模式建立之參考。 (五)影響減輕對策及替代方案研擬方式 工程影響減輕對策及替代方案研擬,本計畫依代償措施(Mitigation)的構想,提出各種海岸工程如海堤、護岸等的影響減輕對策及替代方案。 (六)監測計畫及回饋機制建立方式 監測計畫及回饋機制建立,本計畫以適應性管理法(Adaptive Management)的概念來建立機制,包括監測目標、監測模式、監測計畫書的擬定,以及施工中施工後的生態復育回饋機制建立等。
The two-year project investigates the validity of existed evaluation models for ecological habitat on coastal area, Taiwan. The report includes the results of the first year study. (1) The classification of ecological habitat in Taiwan coast Six types of ecological habitat on coastal area are used to catalog ecological habitat of each segment in Taiwan coast using satellite images and documents. The types are the sand or gravel beach, rock beach, wetland, lagoon, sandbar or dune beach, and estuary which are defined by geomorphology. (2) The technique of ecological habitat evaluation Four evaluation models for ecological habitat on coastal area that were applied in Taiwan coast are scanned. These are the habitat evaluation procedure (HEP), Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity (B-IBI), Biomass-balance trophic model (Ecopath), and hydro-geomorphic Approach (HGM). The basic theory, limitations, evaluation items and operation procedure are introduced and an example of each model is also illustrated to show its operation and easy interpretation. (3) The standard techniques for ecological survey The standard techniques for ecological survey and water quality are collected in this report. (4) Engineer effection evaluation in coastal habitat Based on the validity of each model the study indicates that B-IBI is suitable for assessing index analysis on ecological habitat after coastal development, HGM is good for easy operation for general ecological habitat and HEP is applicable to evaluate ecological habitat for both small and large areas and to predict the possible ecological habitat after coastal development. (5) Mitigation countermeasures and alternatives method Mitigation countermeasures and alternatives for construction of seawall, revetment and breakwaters are suggested to have transitive restoration, habitat construction and mitigation bank at the principle of mitigation. (6) Monitoring project and feedback mechanism That monitoring project and feedback mechanism from adaptive management provide with monitoring target, model and project, and ecological restoration in coastal development and after coastal development is indicated.
Gov't Doc #: MOEAWRA0980066
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100803
Appears in Collections:Research Plans