標題: CDMA/TDMA PCS應用在光纖用戶迴路之可行性評估(II)
The Feasibility Study of Transporting CDMA/TDMA Wireless Signals in Passive Optical Networks and HFC Networks(II)
作者: 尉應時
關鍵字: 光纖用戶迴路;個人通信系統;混合光纖同軸電纜;FITL;PCS;HFC
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 本計畫在第一年中已完成TDMA/CDMA無線電通訊信號用光纖用戶迴路傳輸至各個微蜂巢天線(microcell/picocell antenna)之可行性評估,也已在中華電信研究所做過年度成果發表。在第二年的計畫中,我們將提出兩個中華電信應如何將「光纖到大樓」(Fiber-to-the-Building, or FTTB)網路與「光纖在大樓」(Fiber-in-the-Building, or FITB)網路做一整合的建議。FITB有兩個基本網路,其一是因國內直播式數位衛星電視(Direct Broadcast Satellite, or DBS)開放後,各大樓將有可能用光纖分佈DBS的信號至大樓各樓層。另一是電腦區域網路(Local Area Network, or LAN)。由於80%的LAN都是以Ethernet為主,我們將集中研究Ethernet-based LAN如何與FITB連結。總之,我們所欲研討的兩個技術服務觀念(technical service concept)是FTTB + DBS FITB及FTTB + Ethernet LAN。另外,我們也將繼續完成第一年所進行的HFC網路上行channel simulator。
In This second-year project, we will demonstrate a new system application--combining fiber-to-the-building (FTTB) and fiber-in-the-building (FITB) networks. The former was an existing infrastructure, considering the massive FITB optical fiber cables already deployed by Chung-Hwa Telecom. The latter is composed of two types of optical fiber infrastructure. The first one is local area network in business buildings, and the other is direct-broadcast satellite (DBS)-distribution network in residential and business buildings. We will experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of integrating FTTB and FITB infrastructure, which could potentially increase the revenue of Chung-Hwa Telecom.
官方說明文件#: MOTC-CHTTL-89-029
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100882
Appears in Collections:Research Plans