Title: 異質網路環境之行動搜尋關鍵技術-子計畫三---行動無線感測網路連結機制之研發
Mobisensing---Connectivity Supports for Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: 曾建超
Keywords: 無線感測網路;可移動性;負載平衡;Wireless Sensor Network;Mobility;Load Balancing
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本子計畫為期三年,計畫的主要研究目標是要提供與維護行動無線感測網路(mobile wireless sensor network)的連結性(Connectivity),讓整個無線感測網路不因節點移動或耗損而導致某些節點失連。
無線感測網路會因為(1)感測節點的漫遊、(2)熱點現象(hot-spot phenomena)導致的耗電與延遲以及(3)節點耗損等問題,造成感測網路的斷線或傳輸不良,影響感測網路的連通性。因此本計畫的目標即是希望支援無線感測網路節點漫遊、避免熱點現象導致的耗電與延遲以及在節點耗損時自動修復網路連線。此外在可供應固定電源處部署所謂的具電節點(powered node),利用這些節點繞送感測資訊,以舒緩整個無線感測網路的耗電問題。總而言之,本子計畫目的就是要發展兼具支援漫遊、有服務品質(quality of service)、減少耗電以及自動維護等特性的行動無線感測網路連結機制。
因此本子計畫主要的研究主題有二: (1)動態無線感測網路建構與維護,(2)含具電節點之動態無線感測網路建構與維護。第一個研究主題以支援感測網路節點的移動性(mobility)為目標,開發識別碼分配、繞送以及單一或群體節點漫遊機制,此外為了減少熱點現象所造成的問題,也會發展平衡網路流量的負載平衡機制,同時為了解決節點耗損造成網路失連的情形,也會研發容錯(fault tolerance)機制。第二個研究主題則以發展具電節點為路由節點的繞送機制為主,以解決熱點傳輸產生的耗電問題,同時也會研發具電節點的容錯遊機制以及具電節點漫遊或以具電節點為路由節點的群體漫遊機制,以維護整個網路的連結性。
The goal of subproject 3 is to provide and maintain the connectivity of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for mobile positioning and services. The connectivity of a WSN may break for several reasons, such as sensor node movements or exhaustion of power. Therefore, this project aims to develop mechanisms to support sensor node mobility, alleviate the hot spot problem and automatic failure recovery for WSNs. Furthermore, in many deployments, some WSN nodes may have fixed, continuous power supply, henceforth referred as powered nodes, so that they will never become defective due to the exhaustion of power. If we select these powered nodes as router nodes, we can alleviate the disconnection problem due to power exhaustion of router nodes (or hot spots). Therefore, corresponding research items of this subproject include (1) dynamic WSN configuration and maintenance, and (2) powered–node-aware WSN configuration and maintenance. The first research item consists of four sub-items: mobility-aware ID assignment and routing mechanism, single node and group mobility support, dynamic load balancing scheme and automatic failure recovery. The second research items comprise three sub-items: powered-node-ware router delegation, powered-node-ware path discovery, and powered-node-ware mobility support and failure recovery.
Gov't Doc #: NSC97-2221-E009-051-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100913
Appears in Collections:Research Plans