标题: | 复合材料风力机之研制---总计画(II) The Development of Small Composite Materials Wind Power System(II) |
作者: | 金大仁 KAM TAI-YAN 国立交通大学机械工程学系(所) |
公开日期: | 2009 |
摘要: | 本总计画延续上年度的工作,研究将所开发之复合材料风力葉片及盘式发电机组 立一由复合材料风力葉片、盘式发电机、塔架、交流电安全控制器、变频器、直流电 安全控制器和蓄电池所组成的风力发电机系统,供各子计画进行与系统功能及可靠度 相关的试验。本总计画下含三个子计画,其中子计画一“风力机系统设计与保固之研 究(II)”是研究风力机系统的流场及风压分布,并探讨葉型參數对风力机发电效率的 影响;子计画二“风力机关键零组件之研制(II)”是研究复合材料葉片的结构完整性 及修补与延寿技术;子计画三“风力机试验平台与可靠度试验程序之建立(II)”是研 究系统中重要元件的可靠度及系统中噪音的成因識别与防治。本总计画将协助各子计 画建立长期监测的系统,藉量取风力机系统的风速、风压、振动、应变、噪音、发电 量(功率)及损伤等數据,以建立系统參數的资料库,供系统效率及可靠度评估、系 统修补及延寿,噪音防治等课题的研究。本总计画将整合各子计画的研究成果,提出 一小型风力发电机系统的设计与试验准则,可作为未來规范订定的參考,亦可供将來 设计新葉型或较大型风力发电机系统之參考。 In this year’s project, the composite blades and disk-type generator developed and fabricated in the previous project will be used to fabricate a wind power system which is composed of three composite blades, a disk-type generator, a tower, an AC safety switch, an inverter, a DC safety switch, and a charge battery. The wind power system is then set up for long term testing and health monitoring. This project contains three sub-projects which will use the wind power system to perform different tests and measurements. Sub-project 1 with the title ”Wind turbine system design and health maintenance study(II)” studies the aero-dynamic characteristics and efficiency of the wind power system using the measured data. Sub-project 2 with the title “Fabrication technique of wind turbine critical parts(II)” studies the endurance property of the composite blades and develops repair techniques to extend the life of the blade. Sub-project 3 with the title “The development of testing procedures for quality assurance of wind power system(II)” studies the reliability and noise control of the wind power system via an experimental approach. This project will assist the sub-projects to collect the required data through different types of measurements. Finally, this project will integrate the results obtained by the sub-projects to propose design and testing criteria for small composite wind power system. These criteria can also be used as reference for designing larger composite wind power system. |
官方说明文件#: | NSC98-ET-E009-003-ET |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100958 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1767201&docId=301998 |
显示于类别: | Research Plans |