标题: 新苗地區客家族群的形構與發展:清代土地契約秩序視角的歷史研究
The formation and development of Hakka ethnic group in Zhu-aian region: a historical study based on the analytic frmaework of the social order of land contract in the Qing period
作者: 林文凱
Wen-kai Lin
关键字: 客家族群;土地契約秩序;土地開墾;土地訴訟;族群關係;平埔族群;Hakka;The Social Order of Land Contract;Land Reclamation;Land Lawsuit;Ethnic Relationship;Plain Aborigine
公开日期: 2009
摘要: 在清代臺灣農業商品化的社會裡,「有土斯有財」,不但國家與地域社會的運作係圍繞著土地契約關係而展開,國家與社會這兩個組織體間的政治、經濟與法律亦是以其為核心而運作,同時社會內部的宗族與族群關係更是以其為基礎而開展起來。因此本計畫擬以清代竹塹的土地契約秩序為視角,以土地開墾與土地訴訟活動為主要經驗範圍,分析該時期竹塹地區粵籍漢人與其他族群(包括閩籍漢人、清代熟番與生番族群)的互動關係,並據以從該視角構築該地區「從粵人到客家」的族群形構與發展的歷史圖像。
Qing Taiwan was a commodified agrarian society, where land was the base of all wealth and land transfer and land use was by way of land contract. The relationship of land contract was not only the center of the organizational interaction between the state and local society but also the focus of political, economic, and legal activities inside these two kinds of organizations. Furthermore, in the local society there were lineal groups and ethnic groups which were also built on the collective contractual relationship of landed property. Therefore, this project will analyze the interactive relationships between Cantonese Hans and other ethnic groups (including Fujianese Hans, plain aborigines, mountain aborigines) in Zhu-Qian area in terms of their social order of land contract. I will discuss the processes of land reclamation and land litigation related to these ethnic groups and will analyze how they formed their relationships of land contract. Based on these discussions, this project will interpret the formation and development of Hakka ethnic group based on the process from “Cantonese” to “Hakkas”.
This project will use land reports (tudi-shengao-shu), Dan-Xin archives, private land contracts and Taiwan’s Governor General’s Archives as main materials to discuss land reclamation, land litigation and ethnic interactions in Qing Zhu-Qian area. This study will base on Shi Tien-Fu’s study on the historical geographic formation and development in Zhu-Qian and then further discuss the relationship between political economy and cultural identity related to the social order of land contract. On the other hand, in order to increase more exchange between this study on Qing Taiwan ethnic history and other studies on the Qing ethnic history, this project will use Qing Taiwan as case to develop a dialogue with the other two related studies: first, I will compare the studies of Taiwan ethnic history with those of local societies and lineal and ethnic relationships in Southern China; second, I will compare the findings on Qing contractual relationship with those of Qing legal culture studies by using central and local legal archives.
官方说明文件#: 98-0399-06-05-04-26
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101024
显示于类别:Research Plans


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