標題: 散裝航運傭船營運影響因素之關聯性分析
Correlation Analysis of Influential Factors in Bulk Chartering Operations
作者: 黃承傳
關鍵字: 論程傭船;論時傭船;模糊層級分析法;決策實驗室法;模糊認知圖;Voyage charter;Time charter;Fuzzy AHP;DEMATEL;FCM
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 散裝航運市場接近於完全競爭市場,航運公司面臨全球性激烈競爭,受政治、經濟、 天候等因素影響,其營運具有高度風險與不確定性。散裝傭船營運主要包含貨物運送為 主之論程傭船營運,與船舶租傭為主之論時傭船營運。台灣為全球第七大散裝船噸國 家,於全球航運市場扮演重要的角色,為了提升航運營運績效與降低市場營運風險,散 裝航運公司常同時運用論程與論時傭船方式營運。然散裝航運以傭船方式營運須考量因 素頗多且因素間之關係相當複雜。有鑑於國內外雖有若干探討散裝營運之相關文獻,但 並未系統性的加以分析,亦未考量論程與論時傭船之不同特性與差異,因此本研究擬採 用模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy AHP)分別構建論程與論時傭船營運關鍵影響因素層級分析架 構,分析比較租傭雙方對於論程與論時傭船營運關鍵影響因素重要度之認知差異,並進 一步採用決策實驗室法(DEMATEL)與模糊認知圖(FCM)探討影響論程與論時傭船營運 關鍵因素之關聯性。期望研究結果可提出更詳細具體的資料,以提供相關航運業者研擬 營運策略之參考。
Since bulk shipping market is nearly a perfect competitive market, bulk shipping corporations have to face severely global competitions. The bulk shipping market can be influenced by various factors such as politics, economics, weather and so on which lead to high risks and uncertainty. The bulk chartering operation involves cargo transportation— voyage charter (V/C) and the vessel chartering—time charter (T/C). As the seventh bulk vessel tonnage suppliers in the world, Taiwan plays an important role in the global shipping market. In order to improve the performance and reduce the operational risk, the shipping corporations often adopt voyage and time charter operation simultaneously. However, there are numerous and complex factors which affect shipping corporations in chartering operation. Although the chartering operations have been discussed in some literature, but there is a lack to systematically explore the complex relationships among these factors. Therefore, the major purposes of this study will start with applying the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) to develop a hierarchical analysis framework of voyage and time chartering operations respectively, and analyze the importance of factors from shipowner’s and charterer’s perspectives. Decision Making Trail and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) and Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) will then be adopted to analyze the causality among the factors in voyage and time chartering operation respectively. It is expected that the findings of this study can provide as useful information to assist shipping companies in making decisions of chartering operations.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2221-E009-109
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101036


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