標題: 台閩語字調連結與界限強度
The Effect of Boundary Strength on Taiwanese Lexical Tonal Coarticulation
作者: 潘荷仙
關鍵字: 台閩語;聲調;共同發音;界限;聲學;Taiwan Min;lexical tone;coarticulation;boundary;acoustical
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 流暢口語語流非藉由獨立單字之簡單集合形成,在流暢口語中跨界限之前後字、前詞與後詞、或 前後詞組間連結均有共同發音、同化、異化、弱化等現象產生。本計畫欲探討台閩語聲調連結在跨 不同強度之字、詞、詞組、語調(intonation )界限時,如何因界限強度不同,導致前後音節有不同final lowering, final lengthening, initial strengthening, f0 reset, 及anacrusis 等現象。界限強度影響導致聲調有 不同程度之progressive 或retrogressive,同化、異化現象。本計畫預計在第一年標記台閩語北、中、 南三地老、中、青不同年齡層男女之自發性獨白(spontaneous monologue)語料,對語料做界限種類及 強度、台閩語本調、變調做標記,並query 其基頻 (f0)、長度、強度(intensity)等聲學值,觀察不同強 度界限前後之聲調共同發音現象。第二年為補強自發性語料常見語速不一、音段變化複雜、採樣不 均等弱點,預計以實驗室語料控制界限強度、界限前後音節、音節結構以觀察聲調連結之規律性變 化,並與自發性語料比對,補強自發性語料之不足。在綜合第一、二年產生實驗所觀察到不同強度 之界限對前後音節聲調共同發音之影響後,預定在第三年以語音合成方式探討台閩語受試者是否可 分辨跨不同界限之音節結構。 以下簡述本計畫欲探討之議題: (1)台閩語口語韻律界限強度在聲調連結上所遺留下之記號。 (2)從控制性語料中觀察台閩語是屬界限後initial strengthening 或界限前final strengthening 之韻律 結構。 (3)台閩語變調界限是否為口語韻律界限之一。 (4)比較實驗控制性語料上聲學連結方式與自發性語料有何不同。 (5)在感知上,台閩語受試者是否可使用界限對聲調連結所造成之影響判別界限種類及強度。 (6)台閩語受試人較依賴何種聲學線索來判斷界限種類。 本計畫期盼對台閩語韻律界限與字調連結研究起拋磚引玉之功,將台閩語口語韻律界限研究提升到 超音段層次,迎頭趕上國際韻律結構研究腳步。
This three-year project explores the effect of prosodic boundaries, such as syllabic, word, and phrasal boundary, on lexical tonal coarticulation. During the first year, sandhi and juncture tonal values, as well as the types of boundaries will be labeled in monologues from spontaneous speech corpus. Maximal f0, minimal f0, and durations will be queried to explore the effect of boundary on progressive / retrogressive tonal assimilation / dissimilation across various boundaries. Furthermore, to control speech rate, segmental effects, and lexical frequencies, controlled lab speech will be used. By controlling the segmental composition, tonal values and varying the boundary types across which the tonal coarticulation takes place, the effect of prosodic boundary on pre-boundary final lengthening, final lowering, initial strengthening, anacrusis, and pitch reset will be investigated. During the third year, perceptual experiments with controlled segmental structure and tonal values across different boundaries will be used to explore native Taiwan Min speakers’ sensitivity to boundary types. Following are research issues addressed in the current projects, (1) The effect of prosodic boundary on lexical tonal coarticulation in Taiwan Min. (2) The possibility of sandhi group boundary as a member of prosodic boundary in Taiwan Min. (3) Comparison of tonal coarticulation pattern in spontaneous and laboratory speech. (4) The type of boundary adjacent strengthening in Taiwan Min. (5) The use of lexical tonal coarticulation pattern in discriminating ambiguous structures in Taiwan Min. (6 ) The type of perceptual cues used by native Taiwan Min listeners.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2410-H009-038
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101365


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