標題: 華語學習者對華語聲調的聽覺感知與口語產出
The Perception and Production of Mandarin Tones by L2 learners
作者: 鄭詅月
Cheng, Ling-Yueh
Lai, Yu-Wen
關鍵字: 聲調;聽覺感知;口語產出;音節位置;音節結構;聲調環境;tone;tonal perception;tonal production;syllable position;syllable structure;tonal context
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本論文以雙字詞為基礎,探討就聲調﹑音節位置與音節結構層面,對華語學習者於聲調的聽覺感知與口語產出的影響。聽覺感知實驗,受試者針對標的音節的聲調進行標記。聲調主要效果,顯示學習者能清楚正確感知高平調與高降調,低降調為最難以正確感知,常與中升調相混。聲調環境部份,第一音節結果指出聲調環境差異於中升調的感知表現影響達顯著差異。其中,以「中升調後接低降調」最為困難。第二音節聲調環境結果指出「高降調接高平調」與「高降調接中升調」最難以正確感知。音節位置部份,結果顯示音節位置差異於中升調的感知表現有顯著差異,第一音節正確率高於第二音節。口語產出實驗部分,聲調主要效果,顯示低降調於正確產出與好壞程度表現較不理想。聲調環境部份,第一音節結果指出以「低降調接中升調」的正確產出最為困難。第二音節聲調環境結果則顯示「低降調接中升調」與「中升調接高降調」最為困難。音節結構部份,於好壞程度結果有顯著差異。CV結構的口語產出好壞程度最為理想。總觀聽覺感知與口語產出結果,可將高平調與高降調分為高正確率組,中升調與低降調為低正確率組。偏誤分析結果顯示第一音節易與有共通聲學特質之聲調相互混淆(高平調與高降調,中升調與低降調)。第二音節結果,指出受基頻轉變期影響,各聲調之高偏誤率聲調均為中升調或低降調。 關鍵字:聲調﹑聽覺感知﹑口語產出﹑音節位置﹑音節結構﹑聲調環境
The present study uses disyllabic words to examine the effects of tone, syllable position, and syllable structure on Mandarin tonal perception and production of L2 learners. In perception experiment, subjects identifying auditory tonal stimuli using Mandarin tonal labels. The results of perception experiment showed that L2 learners had significant difficulty in identifying tone 3 and tone 2 while tone 1 and tone 4 showed high accuracy rate. The analysis of tonal context, in first syllable position, acoustic variations of tonal contexts had significant influence on perceiving tone 2 especially when tone 3 followed. In second syllable position, results indicated that the deviation was greater when tone 1 or tone 2 preceded by tone 4. It was also found that syllable position differences influences perceiving tone 2 and further revealed that L2 learners’ sensitivity to tone 2 identifications was higher in first position than in second position. In production experiment, results indicated that tone 3 showed the lowest accuracy rate and goodness rate. Learners were significantly better in producing tones with CV structure words. In summary, results of perception and production can divide tone 1 and tone 4 into high accuracy rate group while tone 2 and tone 3 as low accuracy rate group. Error analysis of first syllable position revealed that L2 learners showed both perceptual and pro-ductive confusions of tone pairs with similar phonetic features (tone 1-tone 4, and tone 2-tone 3 pairs). By the influences of articulatory transition, the confusion of tone pairs in second position was tended to be tone 2 or tone 3. Keywords:tone, tonal perception, tonal production, syllable position, syllable structure, tonal context


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