標題: SRC梁柱接頭力學行為之數值模擬分析
Numerical Simulation of Mechanical Behavior of SRC Beam-to-Column Connections
作者: 翁正強
關鍵字: :SRC;梁柱接頭;力學行為;數值模擬;ANSYS;設計參數;強度;韌性;梁柱接頭實驗;SRC;Beam-to-Column Connection;Mechanical Behavior;NumericalSimulation;ANSYS;Design Parameter;Strength;Ductility;Test Results
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 近十年來,經由前人的研究及申請人所進行之一系列實尺寸鋼骨鋼筋混凝土 (Steel Reinforced Concrete,SRC)梁柱接頭之反復載重耐震實驗,證實經過適當設 計的SRC 梁柱接頭可以具備穩定的強度與良好的耐震能力。然而,由於SRC 構 造結合了鋼骨(S)與鋼筋混凝土(RC),其設計參數較多且變化較為複雜,若 要逐一進行梁柱接頭實驗來探討各設計參數對其力學行為之影響,則勢必需要耗 費龐大的人力、時間及金錢,且由於實驗設備及場地等限制,常常僅能針對一部 分設計參數進行實驗,而無法進行較為詳細的探討。 為了有效運用並節省寶貴的人力、時間及金錢,本研究擬針對SRC 梁柱接 頭之強度與韌性等力學行為進行數值模擬分析。根據文獻調查顯示,ANSYS 為 一功能強大的有限元素分析軟體,其在鋼結構及RC 結構分析上已有相當之成 果,故本研究擬採用ANSYS 軟體作為數值模擬分析之工具。 本研究擬先運用ANSYS 軟體建立SRC 梁柱接頭之分析模型,並與一系列 申請人已完成之實尺寸SRC 梁柱接頭實驗結果互相比對。然後,繼續運用此一 分析模型,進一步探討影響SRC 梁柱接頭力學行為之重要設計參數,包括材料 強度、斷面尺寸、鋼骨寬厚比、接頭區箍筋配置、梁柱彎矩強度比值及接頭區剪 力強度等。此外,本研究擬針對SRC 梁柱接頭區的鋼筋混凝土是否可以有效扮 演類似「補強式接頭」的角色進行探討,以檢驗鋼梁與SRC 柱中鋼骨之銲道是 否可受到接頭區混凝土有效的保護,並針對SRC 梁柱接頭之鋼梁是否需要切削 或補強進行分析與探討。最後,本研究期望能夠從數值模擬分析的角度,提供學 術界與工程界對SRC 梁柱接頭之力學行為更深入的瞭解,進而建立其相關數值 模擬分析模型,發展合理的分析與設計方法以供工程界參考。
During the last decade, many test results of full-scale steel reinforced concrete (SRC) beam-to-column connections obtained by previous researchers have shown satisfactory seismic performance. However, due to the fact that the cost of conducting full-scale experiment is very expensive and time consuming, an alternative approach using the numerical simulation technique has become increasingly desirable. It is the objective of this study to utilize the highly recognized finite element method (FEM) computer software ANSYS to numerically simulate the mechanical behavior of the SRC beam-to-column connections. In the first stage, a FEM model simulates the SRC test specimen will be generated and analyzed. The numerical results will be compared to the SRC test data to confirm the validity of the FEM model. In the second stage, the parameters related to the design of the SRC beam-to-column connections will be investigated using the valid FEM model obtained from the previous stage. The major parameters to be investigated in this numerical study include the variations of the material properties, the sectional dimensions and the width-thickness ratio of the steel section. Also investigated will include the effect of strong-column weak-beam criterion, the shear strength of the connection zone, and the confinement effect of hoop reinforcements. In addition, it is important to investigate the effect of constraint of the reinforced concrete in the connection zone to the steel beam embedded in the SRC column. This constraint may help the steel beam to develop plastic hinge right out of the SRC column face, and subsequently protected the welded joint from premature failure. It is hoped that the results of this numerical investigation will provide further understanding on the mechanical behavior and the seismic performance of the SRC beam-to-column connections.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2221-E009-096
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101529


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