標題: 科普活動---「這是什麼?科學」科普廣播節目
Radio Program 'What Is Science ?'
作者: 葉李華
Yeh Leehwa
關鍵字: 廣播;通俗科學;科學教育;broadcasting;popular science;science education
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本計畫擬延續九十七年執行的塊狀科普廣播節目「這是什麼?科學」,每週日於漢聲廣播電台調頻網播出一小時,聽眾對象為一般社會大眾;透過主持人和每週特別來賓生動有趣、深入淺出的對話,無遠弗屆地將通俗科學與科技新知傳播到全國各個角落。每集節目結束後,將製作聲音檔專屬網頁以利推廣,期望藉由傳統廣播和網路廣播雙管齊下的方式,為大眾科學教育開啟另一道方便之門。
This project will carry on the weekly science education radio program "What's This? Science!" at the Voice of Han Broadcasting Network. Launched in 2008, this one-hour radio program runs every Sunday, with the general public as its target audience. The radio host and the special guest of the week talk about popular science topics and the latest development in science and technology, keeping the conversation interesting and easy to understand. After each show, sound files of the recording will be produced and released on a dedicated web page to reach an even broader audience. By the means of both conventional FM and internet radio broadcasting, this project is expected to help facilitate the science education for the general public.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2515-S009-002
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101574


  1. 982515S009002.PDF

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