標題: 奈米管染料敏化太陽能電池之效能最佳化研究
Study on Optimization of Cell Performance for Nanotube-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (Nt-Dssc)
作者: 刁維光
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究團隊在執行吾人二年期(96-98)個人計畫「功能化二氧化鈦奈米管陣 列的基礎研究」已產生非常豐碩的成果,而本一年期(98-99)研究計畫則延續之 前的研究方向,更進一步將奈米管染料敏化太陽能電池的元件效能最佳化,同時 我們將針對最佳化的元件以光譜及電化學的方法進行電子傳輸機制的探討,從而 對新型染料與元件的設計做出貢獻。我們預計以一年的時間完成以下之工作: (1) 以N719 染料為標準,找出TiO2NT 管長對NT-DSSC 元件效率的最佳化參數; (2) 以N719 染料為標準,最佳化以紫質染料做成的NT-DSSC 元件效率; (3) 對紫質染料NT-DSSC 元件進行IMPS/IMVS 以及ISC decay/Voc decay 的量 測,以便了解此新型高效率之綠色染料元件之電子傳輸機制; (4) 對紫質染料在ATO 以及AAO 薄膜上進行飛秒螢光動力學的基礎研究,以便 獲得此新型高效率之綠色染料在TiO2 半導體上電子注入之量子效率。
We have produced fruitful results in executing my two-year period (2007-2009) NSC personal project “Functional TiO2 nanochannel array: fundamental study and applications”. In this NSC proposal of one-year period (2009-2010), we will follow the direction of previous proposal and move forward to optimize the cell performance for nanotube-based dye-sensitized solar cells (NT-DSSC). Meanwhile we will also study the electron transport mechanism for the optimized NT-DSSC devices using the time-resolved spectroscopic and electrochemical methods and hopefully to make contributions on design of new sensitizers (zinc porphyrin derivatives) in the future. We propose to accomplish the following works within the one-year period: (1) Find the optimal parameters for NT-DSSC devices based on N719 dye; (2) Compared to N719 sensitizer, optimize the cell performance for porphyrin-based NT-DSSC devices; (3) Performing IMPS/IMVS as well as transient ISC/VOC measurements for porphyrin-based NT-DSSC to understand their electron transport mechanism; (4) Performing femtosecond fluorescence decay measurements for dye/semiconductor films to obtain the electron injection quantum yields of the devices.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2113-M009-014
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101654
Appears in Collections:Research Plans