標題: 「休閒、工作與日常---貴州苗人的遊方」專書寫作計畫
Leisure, Work and Everyday Life---Court of Guizhou Miao
作者: 簡美玲
Mei-Ling Chien
關鍵字: 遊方;工作;休閒;日常;苗人;西南中國;court;work;leisure;everyday life;Miao (Hmub);Southwest China
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計劃目的在於將我自博士論文以來的苗人婚姻與親屬研究的重要部分-- 遊方(具制度化傾向的談情institutional court)—經由以日常生活、工作及休閒作 為理論視域,重新針對民族誌材料裡的日常遊方及節慶遊方的細節,進行專書寫 作,並通過此探討遊方的日常性與婚姻的關聯,及其對苗人社會的意義。 有意脫離以心理學解釋非結構面向之遊方材料的限制,而以日常、工作、休 閒及儀式,與身體的經驗及感受為基調的生活或行動,作為描述及討論遊方的場 域。換言之,所要描述及探討遊方的「結構與情感」裡的「情感及情緒」,不僅 是單一面向的心理經驗,也包含苗村寨年輕人的生活、工作及休閒,儀式及日常 等諸場域所滋長的身體經驗及對物質文化的體驗。經由更貼近日常或生活,以了 解遊方與親屬聯姻結構之間的對話性。 本計劃將完成以單一村落為基礎的遊方民族誌寫作,並同時完成對苗人村落 的日常性--工作與休閒,以及與此二者有所關聯的情緒及身體經驗rat(煩悶)—的 描述及討論。這個寫作將使得苗人遊方的特性,以及遊方與工作、休閒之間關係, 得以有系統的討論。本計劃執行過程中,除完成重新閱讀及整理分析已有的田野 筆記、訪談資料、地方文獻;也將同時完成以遊方的歷史變遷為主題之貴東高地 苗人村寨的田野工作及地方圖書館的資料蒐集。
The aim of this project is to write a monograph about the court culture and everyday life of a Miao society in Eastern Guizhou. By means of the theoretical aspect of everyday life study, as well as the dialectic relations between work and leisure, I will re-explore the ethnographic details of my field notes, interview transcripts, local archive on daily courtship and ritual courtship. Based on this, the writing project will discuss the everydayness of the Miao courtship and the relations between the courtship and marriage of the Miao. One reason to turn to the aspect of everyday, bodily experiences, or bodily resonances in this book proposal is to lessen the psychological influences on my study of the Miao courtship culture. Though my earlier work has argued that there was duality of structure and sentiment in the Miao courtship and the other, however the “sentimental”(or “non-structure”) dimension of the Miao courtship may not be simply explained as purely psychological one only. On the contrast, the daily life experiences, bodily experiences or resonances, material culture all may influence our interpretation on the dialectic relations between marriage and court of the Miao. The project finally will complete a village-based monograph about Miao courtship culture. In the same time, this project will also aim to demonstrate the everydayness of the Miao village. The contents of work, leisure as well as the rat (“boredom”) and the relations among of them may have the opportunity to be discussed systematically. Besides of re-reading and analyzing field notes, interview transcripts, local documents or archives, this project plan to conduct a field work on the Miao village and local libraries again for collecting the data about the history of Miao courtship.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2420-H009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101911


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