標題: 德國勞工參與決定制度對全球化之回應
Responses of the German System of Workers' Codetermination to the Globalization
作者: 孫治本
關鍵字: 勞工參與決定;勞資關係;全球化;勞動彈性化;歐洲股份有限公司;德國;codetermination of workers;labor relationship;globalization;labor flexibility;European Corporation;Germany
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 德國的勞工參與決定制度對勞資和諧的貢獻頗大,但也被某些人批評 為較僵化的勞資關係機制。面對全球競爭,部份德國人士加大了對勞工參 與決定制度的攻擊,而且近10 年德國推行勞動彈性化策略的腳步非常快, 但有趣的是,許多德國企業的員工參與決定了勞動彈性化等有利提昇企業 競爭力的策略,這顯示勞工參與決定本身就是企業競爭力的一環。因此, 雖然德國的勞工參與決定制度沒有大幅度的改變,這套制度卻自己變更了 許多德國企業的勞動條件傳統。歐洲工廠會議和歐洲股份有限公司的設 置,則顯示歐盟再度以「歐洲化」方案因應全球化的挑戰。綜上所述,本 計畫的研究主題包括:1. 德國勞工參與決定的制度現狀;2. 全球競爭、「股 東價值」原則對德國勞工參與決定的挑戰;3. 由勞工參與決定的勞動彈性 化策略;4. 勞工參與決定的歐洲化。
The German system of workers’ codetermination contributes to the harmony of labor relationship in Germany. But some think that it is a rigid system. Global competitions lead more people to attack the German codetermination of workers. Since more than 10 years labor flexibility is more and more popular in Germany. It is very interesting that workers of some German companies codetermine the flexibilization of labor. This shows that the system of codetermination of workers is one factor of competitiveness for the German industries. So, though there are no big changes by the German system of codetermination of workers, this system itself changes some labor traditions of many German companies. The establishment of the systems of European Workers’ Council and European Corporation means that the European Union responses the challenges of globalization with the answer of Europeanization once again. The four topics of this project: 1. current situation of the German system of codetermination of workers; 2. how global competitions and the principle of shareholder value shake the German codetermination of workers; 3. the employee participation in decision of strategies of labor flexibility in Germany; 4. the Europeanization of the system of codetermination of workers.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2410-H009-016
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102023
Appears in Collections:Research Plans