標題: 一個具備可化程式邏輯為操作程序的幾何構圖造形環境之研究
A Study on an Environment with Features of Turning Logic Proceduring into Operation Sequencing on Geometry Tilings and Patterns
作者: 陳明璋
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計劃擬以近期自行研發成功的數學簡報系統 ( Mathematical Presentation System, MathPS ) 為實驗平台,由克服數位落差的角度切入,充分運用結構式自我複製法的特 性,研發一套具備將程式邏輯轉化為操作程序的構圖環境,讓使用者透過環境的操作, 在不同的繪圖造形主題上,達到特殊軟體的境界。本計劃分為三年,第一年的主題為 「幾何磚鋪及造形之研究」,以複製法的特性重新詮釋tilings 及patterns 等對稱造形的 結構。期能以操作者為導向,排除數位障礙,簡化對稱造形之複雜度,發展有效、有 趣、及有創意空間的構圖方法及介面。同時探討不同的轉換組合在對稱造型上之運用。 第二年的主題「幾何疊代變換造形之研究」,以複製法為工具,探討幾何疊代變換造形 方法,結合不同的複製法,研發生成子及運用時機,比如自我相似圖、仿自然、類國 畫等。第三年的主題為「化程式邏輯為操程序的構圖環境之研究」:運用第一、二年研 究成果,探討在此一主題之下,將程式邏輯轉化為操作程序的所面臨的問題及解決方 案,同時解決其他複雜構圖的問題,達到程式設計的準確性及手動操作的直覺,開創 繪圖的一個新的趨勢。
The newly developed 「Mathematical Presentation System, MathPS」 together with methodology of 「structural self-clone」 will be jointly together used in this project as an experimental platform over the following years. The goal of this project will focus on developing a compositive environment providing necessary functions turning procedure logic into sequences of operation. We expect that this environment proposed in this project will fit partially the demands for drawings of various, and will complement the request for software with various specific purposes, while remain simultaneously the accuracy of designing and the intuitive feeling of manual operations. This project consists of three subprojects over the following three years. In the first year, we will focus on studying geometrical transformation on tilings and patterns toward the goal of simplifying the complexity of the symmetrical patterning, providing composition method and interface for developing an effective, interesting, and creative space. The focus of the second year will be studying iterated geometrical transformations on patterns and visual designs, including self-similar pictures, artificial natures, traditional Chinese paintings, etc. The results covered in the first two years will be coordinated together in the third year of this project focusing studying an environment which can turn logic proceduring into operation sequencing on patterning with the goal of a user friendly drawing environment.
官方說明文件#: NSC95-2521-S009-002-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102062