標題: 儀式、地景與記憶:探討苗栗獅潭地區的族群關係與認同
Ritual, Landscape, and Memory: Approaching the Ethnic Relationship and Identity in Shitan
作者: 呂玫鍰
Lu Mei-huan
關鍵字: 儀式;地景;記憶;族群關係;認同;客家;ritual;landscape;memory;ethnic relations;identity;hakka
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 移民現象在歷史上不斷地發生,使得過去以來的人群、文化與地域的聯繫關係呈現複雜的面貌。本文希望從今日的現狀回溯過去的歷史,以象徵的角度探討人群互動中社群建構及認同歸屬的問題,將分成三方面來探究:(一)儀式與社群的象徵建構;(二)地景(landscape)與地方的關係;(三)共享的集體記憶。此外,本研究也採取廣義的地景觀點,來看待時間與空間交錯下的人群互動關係,透過儀式活動、地景認知與記憶瞭解不同人群的社群建構與認同歸屬。苗栗縣獅潭鄉過去曾是原住民賽夏族及泰雅族的活動領域,今日已經成為漢人優占的聚落,尤以客家族群為多數。筆者希望從釐清獅潭地區複雜的遷移與開發的歷史背景出發,瞭解過去以來的族群關係的紛爭與轉變,以及今日族群與地方的認同問題。研究將從普查開始,探討聚落形成的歷史背景、重要的經濟活動與政治基礎,以及如何形成共享或分殊的儀式文化。其次,筆者將著力於特定聚落的儀式、地景與記憶的探討,期能透過深入的田野工作,瞭解儀式與地景所承載的記憶是否影響當地的歷史詮釋,相鄰族群對地理景觀與地方特色的理解是否存在差異,而記憶的內涵是否呈現了不同族群文化的差別(如人觀或時間、空間的文化概念),並形塑不同認同的基礎。
The Relationship between the people, culture and territory is very complicated, which can be reinforced by the migration phenomena and frequent interaction among people. This research will approach the community construction and the identity problem among different groups of people from the perspective of symbolic analysis. It includes three themes: (1) ritual and the symbolic construction of the community;(2) landscape and place: (3) collective memory.From the perspective of landscape, the human interaction can be woven into a web constituted by different temporal and spatial dimensions, in which the ritual practice, the knowledge of landscape, and the shared memory can be all taken into account. The research chooses the area of Shitan in Miaoli, where had ever been the living place of the Taiwanese aboriginal peoples (Pinpu, Saihia, Taiya), but was occupied mostly by the Han Hakka. Beginning from clearing the complicated historical background of this area, I will focus on discussing the ethnic relationship among the Hakka and other aborigines, as well as the identity construction of these peoples.
官方說明文件#: 97-0399-05-0301-18
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102076


  1. RRPG97060232.pdf

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