標題: 儀式與慈善中的族群邊界:關於東南亞墳山組織與萬緣會的再思考
Ethnic Boundaries in Ritual and Charity—Rethinking the Organization of Ceremonies through Wanyuanhui in Southeast Asia
作者: 傅寶玉
Bao-yu Fu
關鍵字: 族群;儀式;慈善;東南亞;萬緣會;Ethnic Groups;Nitual;Charity;Wanyuanhui;Southeast Asia
公開日期: 十一月-2022
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: 有關儀式本身具有凝聚社群的功能一直為學界所肯定,並同意社區成員通過公共儀式現實地建構在一起。然而儀式作為一種整合的中介(agency),是促成人群整合,還是再確認或說具體化原已存在的社群關係? 儀式如果是凝聚人群的一個重要途徑,又如何解釋同樣的儀式在不同時期顯現興衰變化的歷程? 本文通過蔡志祥先生對東南亞萬緣會的儀式研究為例, 再次反思儀式作為社群關係的中介所顯現的意義 。本文認為儀式鑲嵌於現實社會脈絡,在東南亞,萬緣會一方面對內維持凝聚會館的社群認同,一方面逐漸順應現實環境需要, 從會館屬性的封閉性趨向對外開放的宗教儀式,而落實普世價值的慈善與孝道精神的實踐。
The function of a ceremony is to unite the community, and community members establish a collective identity through ceremonial rituals. Rituals can be a tool for consolidating a community or reconfirming existing social relations. If rituals are essential tools for integrating and consolidating communities, how can we explain the emergence and disappearance of rituals in different periods? This study examines Chi-Cheung Choi's research on the Wanyuanhui ceremony in Southeast Asia to rethink the role of rituals as an intermediary in community integration. This study argues that rituals are embedded in social contexts; religious rituals that are part of open community ceremonies can be a source of universal charity and piety, which are the special aspects of the Wanyuanhui ceremony.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=56&CA_ID=596
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 19
起始頁: 157
結束頁: 171


  1. Global Hakka Studies(NO.19-6).pdf

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