標題: 全球客家形成的研究:台灣經驗與多層次族群想像的浮現---(總計畫及子計畫二)族群想像與全球客家網絡的建構:台灣經驗的角色
Ethnic Imagination and the Construction of Global Hakka Network: The Role of Taiwan Experience
作者: 張維安
關鍵字: 客家族群;族群想像;族裔景觀;海外客家;全球客家;Hakka Ethnic Group;Ethnic Imagination;Ethnoscape;Global Hakka;Overseas Hakka
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本計畫在全球架構下研究全球客家族群意象的浮現。以三年時間通過客家運動、客家 論述與客家意識間的迴路關係,分析社會網絡的建構對全球客家族群想像浮現的影 響。計畫執行的時程為三年,研究的範圍將以台灣為同心圓,從台灣客家復興的經驗 分析,向外擴展到海外客家意識的覺醒,思考當代台灣客家經驗與海外客家(以東南亞 為主)意識浮現的關聯性,以及台灣客家復興運動與當代中國大陸客家論述的對話與相 互影響,將三地(台灣、東南亞、中國大陸)的客家經驗進行整體比較與統整,最後將收 斂到全球客家形成的理論論述。本計畫的目的有三:第一,希望釐清客家族群的特性, 及其族群特色、族群想像的形成與全球化過程的關係;第二,探討台灣多元族群與多 元文化環境所形塑的客家論述與客家意識,如何在全球客家族群意象浮現過程中扮演 引領的角色;第三,通過全球客家族群想像浮現的考察與相關族群理論的對話,提出 合適的理論解釋。
his study is concerned with the growing Hakka identity in the global context. Taking into account the diverse historical and social contexts of Taiwan, Southeast Asia and China, this project shall explore how important the transnational networks have been to the development of Hakka identity. The research period of this project is divided into three stages, each of which requires one year. In the first year, we will focus on Taiwan, exploring the development of Hakka movements in social and political contexts, and in academics. The aim of this stage is to understand how the Hakka interpret and represent their ‘ethnic5 identity and to whom they address it. In the second year, our focus will move to Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. We will investigate whether the discourse of Hakka identity in Taiwan is shared by the Hakka across state boundaries, and whether cross-boundary practices have provided the Hakka in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong with an important opportunity to gain resources for their narratives of identity. In the final year, we will focus on the development of Hakka identity in China in the past decades, and investigate the ‘dialogues’ and mutual influences between the Hakka in Taiwan, China and Southeast Asia. There are three main purposes of this project. The first one is to understand the characteristics of the Hakka (as being a transnational ‘ethnic’ group), and the role played by transnational factors in the development of Hakka identity. We suggest that it is only within the global context which creates spaces for the manipulation of resources via transnational networks that a long-distance Hakka identity could come to exist. Secondly, the aim of this project is to explore how the Hakka movement in Taiwan becomes the key to understanding the dynamics and diversity of the growing Hakka identity in the global world. Thirdly, through the lens of the Hakka, this study is also an attempt to challenge contemporary theories of ethnicity, and provide new ways of conceptualizing ethnic imagination in the transnational context.
官方說明文件#: MOST103-2420-H009-001-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130443