Title: 協力式感知無線網路之研究---子計畫二:協力式感知無線網路應用智慧型多重天線技術之研究
MIMO Technologies for Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks
Authors: 王蒞君
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 感知無線電 (Cognitive Radio, CR) 是近年來一個重要的研究課題。在感知無線網路中,通訊設備必須能夠有智慧地感知週遭的通訊環境中所有的頻譜機會 (Spectrum Opportunity),並讓使用者能適當地分享彼此所感知的頻譜機會,以達到頻譜使用的最佳化。 在本計畫中,我們從智慧型多重天線的觀點,來解決在感知無線電網路中兩個重要的問題:一、保護有頻譜使用權之主要使用者不受次要使用者之干擾;二、提高次要使用者於借用頻譜的性能,如:系統容量 (System Capacity) 及服務品質 (Quality of Service, QoS)。 本子計畫三年的工作包括了下列三個技術在合作式無線網路 (Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks, CCRN) 之研究:
Cognitive radio (CR) is an import research topic recent years. In CR networks, users can intelligently sense, learn, and identify all the possible spectrum opportunities, and share the spectrum opportunities with each other even in the presence of the interference from the primary users of the legacy system. Thus, CR can improve the spectrum efficiency of the unused or seldom used licensed spectrum. In this project, we will focus on resolving two important problems in the CR networks from the viewpoint of multi-input multi-output (MIMO): 1) protect the primary users from interferences produced by the secondary users; 2) enhance capacity and ensure quality of service (QoS) of the secondary users via borrowing the spectrum of the primary user. This three-year sub-project includes three main techniques for cooperative cognitive radio networks (CCRN) research as follows:
Gov't Doc #: NSC97-2221-E009-099-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102164
Appears in Collections:Research Plans