標題: 協力式感知無線網路之研究---總計畫
Study on Cooperative and Cognitive Radio Networks (CCRM)
作者: 張仲儒
關鍵字: 協力式感知無線電(CCR);動態頻譜接取(DSA);動態頻譜共享(DSS);動態頻譜管理(DSM);機會式無線資源管理(RRM);服務品質(QoS);電量管理;Cooperatvie Cognitive Radio (CCR);Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA);Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS);Dynamic Spectrum Management (DSM);Opportunistic Radio Resource Management (RRM);QoS;Power Management
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 協力式感知無線電(Cooperative and Cognitive Radio,CCR)在異質無線網路間形成感知無線網路(CR network),是近年來興起的無線通訊概念與技術。協力式感知無線電能夠感知目前周遭通訊環境中所有的頻譜機會。藉由感知無線網路具備智慧化辨識與改變頻譜使用機會(Spectrum Opportunity)的能力,使得無線網路的頻譜能被充分利用。協力式感知無線網路運作於不同的無線網路架構上,其根據網路架構、無線資源、通訊協定、…等,在不同的無線網路頻譜上作切換,對感知到的頻譜機會進行最佳化利用。種種跡象皆顯示協力式感知無線網路將成為具備極高頻譜使用效率的未來新發展。 協力感知無線網路對頻譜的使用效率,大致可分為動態頻譜接取 (Dynamic Spectrum Access, DSA),動態頻譜共享 (Dynamic Spectrum Sharing, DSS),以及動態頻譜管理 (Dynamic Spectrum Management, DSM)。動態頻譜接取必須去感測可用的頻譜機會,進而動態地接取所有零散的頻譜資源;動態頻譜共享必需滿足各個用戶的服務品質 (Quality of Service, QoS) 需求,以及主要使用者及次要使用者之間的優先權考量;動態頻譜管理所牽涉的層面極廣,從頻譜的切換、多工協定的設計、通道的分配、節約電源的技術、電源大小的控制,乃至於實體層的智慧型多重天線的廣播與波束成形,還有通道的回授都屬於動態頻譜管理的範疇。 本計畫橫跨OSI架構之中的五大階層,於各個階層都有深入的研究,子計畫之間也有緊密的相連性。有一些子計畫的研究內容雖在網路規約的同一層,實是以不同的觀點和方法解決問題。總計畫將協調、整合五個子計畫,並建構實用模擬平台。在這個整合計畫中包含了五項子計畫,分別有子計畫一:協力式感知無線網路訊務排程與控制之研究,子計畫二:協力式感知無線網路應用智慧型多重天線技術之研究,子計畫三:協力式感知無線網路協定架構與服務品質管理之研究,以及子計畫四:協力式感知無線網路之電量管理及高吞吐量協定設計,子計畫五:協力式感知無線網路之頻譜偵測及接收機設計。本總計畫之下設置之五個子計畫,於三種動態頻譜利用的面向,即動態頻譜接取、動態頻譜共享與動態頻譜管理,及於實體層、媒體接取控制層、數據鏈路控制層、網路層、傳送層、以及應用層等的面向,全面地來探討協力式感知無線網路之無線資源控制管理等議題(其分層架構可參考圖10.1),希望能獲得協力式無線感知網路在動態頻譜接取,動態頻譜共享或動態頻譜管理的方式裡最佳的通訊協定。計畫研究將著重於智慧型機會式無線資源管理(Radio Resource Management, RRM)、以智慧型天線為基礎之協力式感知無線接取系統、頻譜機會確認技術、電量管理技術、以及頻譜偵測與接收機設計等協力式感知無線網路相關關鍵技術研究。同時也會發展模擬平台以供設計機制與演算法的驗證。我們有信心能夠藉由這項計畫成為技術領先的研究團隊,發展最尖端的協力式感知無線網路技術,並培育相關人才。
Cooperative and Cognitive Radio (CCR) is a radio technology that is able to intelligently sense and learn the current opportunity of spectrum in the surrounding environment of heterogeneous networks. In other words, CCR has the “intelligence” to recognize and change the use of spectrum and can fully utilize these opportunities according to the network architecture, radio resources, protocols, and etc. We can envisage that CCR will become a new technology that can significantly increase the current spectrum-use efficiency by at least an order of magnitude. According to the utilities of spectrum of CCRN (CCR Network), the spectrum ultilization of CCR can be cataloged into Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA), Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) and Dynamic Spectrum Management (DSM). DSA is to sense the opportunistic spectrum and to access these spectrum resources dymanically; DSS can support the QoS guarantee for each user, in which the priority between primary users and secondary users also should be taken into account; DSM is involved with many aspects, including spectrum hand-over, multiplexing protocol design, channel allocation, power saving and control. Also the broadcasting and beamforming of intelligent multi-antanna of physical layer are all belong to field of the DSM. The research topics of this integrated project are across five protocol layers of the OSI model. Some subprojects accommodate the same layer, but they adopt different viewpoints and methods to solve the problems. The integrated research project will be carried out through five subprojects including Subproject 1: Traffic Scheduling and Control for Cooperative and Cognitive Radio Networks, Subproject 2: MIMO Technologies for Cooperative and Cognative Radio Networks, Subproject 3: Protocol Architecture and QoS Management for Cooperative and Cognative Radio Networks, Subproject 4: Power Management and Throughput Enhancement for Cooperative and Cognative Radio Networks, and Subproject 5: Spectrum Sensing and Receiver Designs for Cooperative and Cognative Radio Networks. The five subprojects of this integrated project focus on the three dymanic spectrum ultilization aspects (DSA, DSS and DSM) on protocol layers such as physical layer, link layer (MAC and LLC), network layer, transport layer and application layer (the layered structure of this integrated project is depicted in figure 10.1). Key research emphases will be on the intelligent opportunistic radio resource management (RRM), multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO)-based CCR access system, power management, and opportunity spectrum sensing and receiver design for CCR. The emulation/simulation platforms are also developed in this project to justify the proposed schemes and algorithms. Through carrying out this integrated project, we are confident to become one of the leading research groups to develop pioneering CCR technologies and to educate talents.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2221-E009-097-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102169